Side 1 incorporating following songs: Take Good Care Of My Baby; White Christmas; Carolina Moon; She Wears Red Feathers (And A Hula Hula Skirt); In The Mood; Halfway To Paradise; Who Wants To Be A Millionaire (see label for details) All Works Prod. with permission of the Copyright Owners A Product of Liberty-United Artists Records Ltd.
メロンコリーそして終りのない悲しみ Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness
メンツは Billy Corgan – lead vocals, lead and rhythm guitar, piano, mellotron, production, mixing, string arrangement on "Tonight, Tonight", art direction and design Jimmy Chamberlin – drums, vocals on "Farewell and Goodnight" James Iha – lead and rhythm guitar; vocals, mixing, and additional production on "Take Me Down" and "Farewell and Goodnight" D'arcy Wretzky – bass guitar, vocals on "Beautiful" and "Farewell and Goodnight"
Chicago Symphony Orchestra – orchestra in "Tonight, Tonight" Greg Leisz – pedal and lap steel guitar on "Take Me Down"
起源フロリダ州オーランド、1993年4月20日に結成、 グループ名は結成当時オーランドで人気のあったフリー・マーケット「バックストリート・マーケット」(Backstreet Market)から取ったものだと。 このたび 1997年8月12日発売1作目アルバム「Backstreet Boys」より1回目カット9月5日発売、 デビュー曲ヒット。作はDenniz Pop Max Martin Herbert Crichlow組。 プロデュースはDenniz Pop、Max Martin組。 覚えてる。よく出来たジャニーズ歌謡です81点。
ファンタスティック親父ならぬヴォヤージ、 正体はArtis Leon Ivey Jr.、1963年8月1日カリフォルニアはコンプトン生まれ、 正義・情熱・棟梁の獅子座。 1995年11月21日発売2作目アルバム「Gangsta's Paradise」より1回目カット8月8日発売 1995年5月7日発売1作目アルバム「I Am L.V.」よりカット8月8日発売 1995年7月11日発売サントラ・アルバム 「デンジャラス・マインド/卒業の日まで 〜Dangerous Minds: Music from the Motion Picture」より1回目カット8月8日発売
85年デビュー、スコティッシュ、グラスゴウの若者連中の気合一発地元ブリットポップ。 1995年2月28日発売4作目アルバム「Twisted」より「Roll to Me"」英米大ヒットをうけての4回目最後カット。 またまたいい曲もいかんせんえらい地味で連発大ヒットは・・別にこれなら逃してもいいじゃん92点。
あの好き好きブロンスキ・ビートのジミーちゃん 1961/6/22スコットランドはグラスゴー生まれ、器用で気分屋でやさしさの蟹座双子座寄り。 6年ぶり1995年発売2作目ソロ・アルバム「Dare to Love」より3回目最後カット。 作とプロデュースはMatt Rowe, Jimmy Somerville, Richard Stannard組。 ああ晴れやかだっジャケそのままの人となりに似合わぬ爽やかさ90点。 ただし曲調は微妙に陰鬱入りは人となりですんで。
こないだの「シー・セッド」がイカしてた 1993年シェフィールドで結成ブリットポッパー。 結成後エレクトラ・レコードと契約するも デビューシングルリリース直前にフロントマンのクリスピン・ハントくんが交通事故により3日間意識不明の重態になって バンドの将来を重く見たレーベル側はバンドに50万ポンドを支払ってレコード契約を破棄、 その後クリスピンくん快方に向かって U2が新しく設立したレコードレーベルであるマザー・レコードと契約するつう最初からえらいことになっちまった方々。 1996年4月18日発売1作目アルバム「The Sun Is Often Out」より2回目カット。 サビで来るんだが今回はシューゲイザー色濃し、爆発力でだいぶ落ちちゃった残念90点。
1.☆←2 THEN CAME YOU - Dionne Warwick and the Spinners (Atlantic)-14 (1 week at #1) 2.☆←3 YOU HAVEN'T DONE NOTHIN - Stevie Wonder (Tamla)-13 3.☆←17 YOU AIN'T SEEN NOTHING YET/ FREE WHEELIN' - Bachman-Turner Overdrive (Mercury)-6
1974年10月26日付TOP20米アルバム・チャートの ニュー・エントリー盤は
1-68 ☆☆☆☆☆12.☆←21 Walls & Bridges - John Lennon 心の壁、愛の橋 ジョン・レノン
Side A 1. 愛を生きぬこう Going Down on Love 2. 真夜中を突っ走れ Whatever Gets You Thru the Night(エルトンとデュエット) 3. 枯れた道 Old Dirt Road (& Harry Neilson) 4. ホワット・ユー・ガット What You Got 5. 果てしなき愛(ブレッス・ユー) Bless You 6. 心のしとねは何処 Scared
Side B 1. 夢の夢 #9 Dream 2. 予期せぬ驚き Surprise, Surprise(Sweet Bird of Paradox) 3. 鋼のように、ガラスの如く Steel and Glass 4. ビーフ・ジャーキー Beef Jerkey 5. 愛の不毛 Nobody Loves You(When You're Down and Out) 6. ヤ・ヤ Ya Ya (Morgan Robinson, Lee Dorsey, Clarence Lewis, Morris Levy)
Personnel John Lennon – arrangements, vocals (lead, harmony, and background), lead guitar, rhythm guitar, acoustic guitar, piano, whistling, percussion, production
Plastic Ono Nuclear Band Ken Ascher – electric piano, clavinet, Mellotron Jim Keltner – drums Arthur Jenkins – percussion Nicky Hopkins – piano Klaus Voormann – bass Bobby Keys – tenor saxophone Ron Aprea - tenor saxophone Jesse Ed Davis – acoustic guitar, lead guitar Eddie Mottau – acoustic guitar
Additional personnel Strings and brass musicians from The Philharmonic Orchestrange – arranged and conducted by Ken Ascher. Little Big Horns – Ron Aprea (alto saxophone), Bobby Keys (tenor saxophone), Frank Vicari (tenor saxophone), Howard Johnson (baritone and bass saxophone) and Steve Madaio (trumpet). Julian Lennon – drums on "Ya Ya". Elton John – piano and harmony vocals on "Whatever Gets you thru the Night" and Hammond organ and background vocals on "Surprise, Surprise (Sweet Bird of Paradox)" Harry Nilsson – backing vocals on "Old Dirt Road". The 44th Street Fairies: Joey Dambra, Lori Burton and May Pang – background vocals on "#9 Dream". Shelly Yakus – engineer Jimmy Iovine – overdub engineer Roy Cicala – remix engineer May Pang – production coordinator Roy Kohara – art direction Bob Gruen – photography
Side B 1. "Walking in the Wind" – 6:48 2. "Memories of a Rock N' Rolla" – 4:50 3. "Love" – 3:20 4. "When the Eagle Flies" – 4:24
Production notes: Chris Blackwell – producer Nobby Clark – engineer Brian Humphries – engineer Jeff Willens – mastering Bill DeYoung – liner notes Martin Hughes – cover design
1.☆←2 Can't Get Enough - Barry White (1 week at #1) 2.☆←6 So Far - Crosby,Stills,Nash & Young 3.←3 Back Home Again - John Denver
1-107 ☆☆☆☆7. JUST A BOY - LEO SAYER ジャスト・ア・ボーイ レオ・セイヤー
All songs written by Leo Sayer and David Courtney.
Side A 1. "Telepath" – 3:12 2. "Train" – 4:25 3. "The Bells of St Mary's" – 3:36 4. "One Man Band" – 3:35 5. "In My Life" – 3:23
Side B 1. "When I Came Home This Morning" – 5:17 2. "Long Tall Glasses" – 3:19 3. "Another Time" – 3:26 4. "Solo" – 3:59 5. "Giving it All Away" – 3:52
Personnel Leo Sayer - guitar, harmonica, vocals David Courtney - piano Michael Giles - drums Theodore Thunder - drums Cliff Hall - piano Paul Keogh - guitar James Litherland - guitar Dave Markee - bass Bill Smith - bass John Mealing - organ Keith Nelson - banjo David Rose - piano Jeanie Greene - backing vocals Barry St. John - backing vocals Liza Strike - backing vocals Lucas Piccoli - inspiration Recording Engineer Apple Studios John Mills
2-108 ☆☆☆10. ODDS AND SODS - THE WHO 不死身のハードロック ザ・フー
All songs written by Pete Townshend except where noted.
Side A 1. ポストカード - "Postcard" (John Entwistle) - 3:27 2. ナウ・アイム・ア・ファーマー - "Now I'm a Farmer" - 3:59 3. プット・ザ・マネー・ダウン - "Put the Money Down"- 4:14 4. リトル・ビリー - "Little Billy" - 2:15 5. トゥー・マッチ・オブ・エニシング - "Too Much of Anything" - 4:26 6. 燃える女 - "Glow Girl" - 2:20
Side B 1. ピュア・アンド・イージー - "Pure and Easy" - 5:23 2. 大きな信頼 - "Faith in Something Bigger" - 3:03 3. アイム・ザ・フェイス - "I'm the Face" (Peter Meaden) - 2:32 4. ネイキッド・アイ - "Naked Eye" - 5:10 5. 不死身のハードロック - "Long Live Rock" - 3:54
The Who Roger Daltrey – vocals, harmonica John Entwistle – bass guitar, brass, vocals, lead vocals on "Postcard" and "We Close Tonight" Keith Moon – drums, lead vocals on "Cousin Kevin Model Child", partial lead vocals on "We Close Tonight" and "Now I'm a Farmer" Pete Townshend – guitar, piano, bass guitar, synthesizers, vocals
Other Leslie West - lead guitar on "Baby Don't You Do It"
Production John Alcock – album compilation Chris Charlesworth – executive producer, liner notes Bill Curbishley – executive producer Roger Daltrey – cover design John Entwistle – album compilation Richard Evans – art direction Graham Hughes – album cover design, photography, design concept Glyn Johns – associate production Kit Lambert – production Andy MacPherson – remixing Peter Meaden – production Chris Parmeinter – production Robert Rosenberg – executive producer Pete Townshend – liner notes
Producer Glyn Johns, Kit Lambert, Peter Meaden, Chris Parmeinter, Shel Talmy, The Who
3-109 ☆☆☆☆16. THE IMPOSSIBLE DREAM - SENSATIONAL ALEX HARVEY BAND 見果てぬ夢 怪傑アレックス・ハーヴェイ・バンド
Side A 1.1 "Hot City Symphony Part 1: Vambo" (Alex Harvey, Hugh McKenna) 5:02 1.2 "Hot City Symphony Part 2: Man in the Jar" (Alex Harvey, Hugh McKenna, Zal Cleminson) 8:11 2. "River of Love" (Alex Harvey, Hugh McKenna) 3:15 3. "Long Hair Music" (Alex Harvey, Hugh McKenna) 4:43
Side B 1. "Hey" (Alex Harvey, Alistair Cleminson, Hugh McKenna) 0:40 2. "Sergeant Fury" (Alex Harvey, Hugh McKenna, David Batchelor) 3:31 3. "Weights Made of Lead" (Alex Harvey) 2:41 4. "Money Honey" (Jesse Stone) / "The Impossible Dream" (Mitch Leigh, Joe Darion) 2:11 5. "Tomahawk Kid" (Alex Harvey, Hugh McKenna, David Batchelor) 4:30 6. "Anthem" (Alex Harvey, Hugh McKenna) 7:42
Personnel Alex Harvey - Lead vocals, rhythm guitar Zal Cleminson - Guitar Chris Glen - Bass guitar Hugh McKenna - Keyboards, synthesizer Ted McKenna - Drums Vicky Silva - Vocals on "Anthem"
Producer The Sensational Alex Harvey Band, David Batchelor "Sergeant Fury" by Derek Wadsworth
Alexander James "Alex" Harvey親分、1935年2月5日スコットランドはグラスゴー生まれ、 デビューは1964年、10年目にして初チャート入り達成は 長い名前のセンセーショナル・バンドの3枚目にて。 これが世に言う”シアトルカル・ロック”だ。 なんじゃこりゃと反応に困ったら これが世に言う”シアトルカル・ロック”だと叫べ91点。 春風亭昇太などはカンで降参。
4-110 ☆☆☆☆☆19. A STRANGER IN MY OWN BACKYARD - GILBERT O'SULLIVAN 彷徨とぬくもりと/オサリヴァンの系譜 ギルバート・オサリヴァン
All songs written by Gilbert O'Sullivan.
Side A 1. "Number Four" - 1:25 2. "A Woman's Place" - 3:17 3. "No More" - 2:26 4. "It's So Easy To Be Sad" - 4:42 5. "My Father" - 2:43 6. "The Marriage Machine" - 3:28 7. "If You Ever" - 2:33 8. "The Thing Is" - 4:01
Side B 1. "Just Like Me" - 3:04 2. "Victor E" - 2:46 3. "I Wonder Would You Mind" - 2:19 4. "15 Times" - 2:21 5. "Nothing To Do About Much" - 3:27 6. "Can't Get You To Love Me" - 2:25 7. "Always Somebody" - 0:53
Personnel Gilbert O'Sullivan - vocals, piano Gordon Mills - producer Phil Ramone - engineer John Haeny - engineer Johnnie Spence - arranger Terry O'Neill - photography
Side A 1. Diana Ross All Of My Life 2. Stevie Wonder Higher Ground 3. The Jackson 5 Dancing Machine 4. Diana Ross & Marvin Gaye My Mistake (Was To Love You) 5. Syreeta Spinnin' And Spinnin' 6. Eddie Kendricks Keep On Truckin' 7. R. Dean Taylor There's A Ghost In My House 8. Smokey Robinson Just My Soul Responding 9. Diana Ross Last Time I Saw Him
Side B 1. Diana Ross & Marvin Gaye You Are Everything 2. Stevie Wonder He's Misstra Know It All 3. Diana Ross & The Supremes Baby Love 4. Jimmy Ruffin What Becomes Of The Brokenhearted 5. Stevie Wonder Living For The City 6. Diana Ross Love Me 7. Eddie Kendricks Boogie Down 8. Commodores Machine Gun
Side A 1. レッド - Red (6:20) Fripp 2. 堕落天使 - Fallen Angel (6:00) Fripp, Wetton, Palmer-James 3. 再び赤い悪夢 - One More Red Nightmare (7:07) Fripp, Wetton
Personnel King Crimson – production, arrangements Robert Fripp – guitar, mellotron John Wetton – bass, vocals, lyrics on "One More Red Nightmare" and "Starless" Bill Bruford – drums, percussion
Additional personnel David Cross – violin on "Providence" Mel Collins – soprano saxophone on "Starless" Ian McDonald – alto saxophone on "One More Red Nightmare" and "Starless" Mark Charig – cornet on "Fallen Angel", bass cello on "Red" (uncredited)[15] Robin Miller – oboe on "Fallen Angel" Uncredited musician – cello on "Starless" Richard Palmer-James – lyrics on "Fallen Angel" and "Starless" George Chkiantz – recording, engineering Rod Thear – recording, assistant engineering Chris, Tex, Harvey and Peter Walmsley – equipment John Kosh – cover Gered Mankowitz – photography