
The Commercial Album / The Residents 1980/11


The Commercial Album
The Residents

*そしてディーヴォと並ぶ現代北米暴れん坊将軍の左大臣と言わばこのレンジデンツちゃん。齢25年を記念した「ザ・コマーシャル・アルバム」です。もう最初から誰なんだこいつら。メンバーの誰一人として素性わからず。おまけに音楽も何なんだ。この前のアルバムのエスキモーなんかようピューとかトコトコトコとかでっせ。で、売れるのか生活できるのかとの心配をよそに次々とアルバムが登場してきます。そのあまりの訳わからなさに評判になったりしてよう。そのエスキモーで登場した目玉親父キャラで皆少し安心。そうか。目玉親父かーって。それでこの盤に遭遇いたします。全40曲。各曲押しなべて1分1秒から4秒の間。印税がっぽがっぽ。何よりよくわかるのが1分ってのが同じ長さでは無いこと。長かったり短かったりするのだ。びっくりです。薄々は感じてましたけどほんとにそうだったのだな。アナログですと溝がとても綺麗です。みんな俳句のように5、7、5で終わり、1曲終わるたんびに「あ、終わった、あ、終わった」って楽しめます。何回も聴きます。好きな曲がぼこぼこ出て来ます。困ったことに中間のは曲名が把握出来なくなってますので人に説明できません。「あのプンコプンコってやつ」とか「あの水戸黄門なやつ」とか。ま、こっそり聴けばいいか。とにかくまー、愛嬌があってすっ呆けててかわいいと。恐ろしくレジデンツの音ですし。ジャクソン・ブラウン氏のアルバムがジャクソン・ブラウン氏の音で溢れているように。そこではまればもうフェイバリットっ。音楽に説明が付かなければどうもイライラして聴けませんって方には全く不向き。要は面白いですかいつまんないですかいのガチンコ勝負でござる。まさかこれを聴けば知的インテリさんて悦に入ってる人はおるまいな。そんな方にはこの文を贈ります。「「思ひ出が、僕等を一種の動物である事から救ふのだ。記憶するだけではいけないのだろう。多くの歴史家が、一種の動物に止まるのは、頭を記憶で一杯にしているので、心を虚しくして思ひ出す事が出来ないからではあるまいか。」by小林秀雄氏〜無常と無常といふ事より。いみじくもあっしがバカ田大学を無謀受験した時に国語試験で出ました方。家に帰りまして親父に見せたら「これは日本語では無い!」と叩きつけました。無事落ちましたのでラッキー。あまりに訳わかんなかったのでギャグとしか思えず、ギャグだわこれは。レジデンツご一行は「無常な人々」のような気がするのは気のせいでしょうか。「常」じゃ「無い」もんなこりゃ。ほほほほほ。「常」じゃ無くてもすげえよくわかるコマーシャル・アルバム。言えなくても。これが音楽の力だ。まいったか。こうゆう語がわかるんだぞいって一般ピーポーを無知ムモウ輩にしてご満足の知的六本木ヒルズ・インテリさんの陰謀を粉々にし、我ら目玉軍団支持者達はバカボンのパパを断固支持するのだ。これでいいのだ。 お出かけれすか。










by Yama
SORRY,Mistranslation multi.

*And, Devo and North America tearaway general's of present age that queues up first-ranked ministers and, so to speak, these Rengedents. It is age "Za commercial album" that commemorates 25 years. From the beginning already whom. The feature of the member is not understood as nobody. Additionally, music is what. Eskimos of the album ahead of this is way Pu or is Tocotocotoco and .. The album appears one after another aloof from and worry whether it sells or it is possible to live. It becomes famous and the way in the translation understanding of the remainder. Everyone is a little safe in the eyeball father character that appears in the Eskimos. Is it so?Is it eyeball father?And, it will encounter this board. 40. allDo each Kyoco and for one-four seconds. ..royalty... There must not be understanding well in above all in .... Onage length for one minute. It is long and short. It is a surprise. It vaguely feels and in. When it is analog, the ditch is very beautiful. It ends by 5, 7, and 5 like all haiku, and it ends and it can enjoy .... "Each other , ended, and it encountered and , ended" by one. It listens many times. Favorite ..bending.. goes out. Unfortunately, because the name of a song cannot be understood, it cannot explain the middle to the person. "That Pncopnco is a guy" That Mitokomon .."... "Is it reeled and does it only have to be listened to to , quietly?When it disregards and it is lovely ..the corner and the charm.. .... ..... It frightens and the sound of Regedents. Mr. Jackson Brown's album must overflow because of Mr. Jackson Brown's sound. It is already Feibarit if fitting in there. It Thank you, and gets irritated, does if the explanation doesn't adhere to music, and is quite unsuitable for ..not being possible to listen.. person. It is in short interesting or doesn't exist ..not piling up.. or is Gatinco match it is and be a bamboo basket. Will have be the complacent person by be intellectual and intellectual if listen to this surely. This sentence is presented to this. □..desire.. going out is ..saving.. from our things that are a kind of animals. It is likely do not to have only to memorize it. Is it because cannot be put out because a lot of historians stop fully in a kind of animal by memorizing the head will not the mind be made empty? think" Hideo by Kobayashi. From mutability, mutability, and the fear thing. It goes out for the national language examination when I rashly properly take an examination of the foolish rice field university. This is not in Japanese when returning to the house and showing it to father .."... Throw.It is lucky because it fell safely. It can be thought only that it gags too much with translation, and is gag. Whether the nature like "No eternal people" does because of the nature in one Regedents line?It is "It is not" in "Eternal". .Commercial album that ties even in case of not being in "Eternal", gets easily, and understands. Even if it is not possible to say. This is power of music. Did you come?It does to ignorant Mumou ..word.. fellows of general Pepor, six Hilz intellectual intellectual ..satisfactory.. Motogi's plot is pulverized, and we supporters of the eyeball army corps are decisive support as for papa in foolish Bonn. It is good in this. Do you go out?

The DVD version of food and this board has come out. However, it North America of the region what limits it with what. Attention is ..three picnic waiter and others of single (?????).. possible here. It is possible to audition even in the amateur zone in the reference place as far as that goes at the obtaining destination and it will be able to listen to all halves because this one is 30 seconds. .
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