The World Of Lynsey de Paul




走っていかないで 貴方がそれを聴くたびに
たった一つの言葉 貴方が思い浮かべる
1. Mama Do
2. Ivory Tower
3. Doctor Doctor
4. Crossword Puzzle
5. Water
6. Sleeping Blue Nights
7. The Way It Goes
8. Rockerdile
9. Sugar Me
10. Just Visiting
11. Storm In A Teacup *bonus track
12. Getting A Drag *bonus track
13. Brandy *bonus track
14. All Night *bonus track
15. Blind Leading The Blind *bonus track
16. Won't Somebody Dance With Me *bonus track
17. So Good To You *bonus tracks
by Yama
SORRY,Mistranslation multi.
*It is finally CD sale. Miss Lynsey Di Paul's debut album for 73 years and surprises.
Even the first CD making in the world. Because the airmail label of Japan is, it is already a surprise to have done it. It is a serious country. The Lynsey fan is visit to Japan, and from all over the world in force. Are not you?It is another version version that it is that tried to be put out after the hit goes out by LP. This 1st also is to another and has the title by "Lynsey Shings". ..having.. oh dear. as many as three kindsThis CD adds the tune with Bortora only by the single, and is perfect. Well, are it being acknowledged by taking charge of the amorousness serif of Mott Zafupl "Temptation on Saturday" by a British woman who looks like this Bewitched Samantha and most rock lovers?In "U eye Du of love" it is to spend this time. The mother-of-pearl is an amorousness character sooner or later. Impression strong of Mr. shop who colors age one departure. I do not know any more for a long time either. It is large amount of money and an astonishment situation where a British chart is found in detail, and ROCKS thus never goes out by Mr. Reco shop of it not is when obtaining, and listening for. The real name is Lynsey Rubin. The composition is started by the hobby, it is admitted seeming having studied painting for a long time at girlhood, and to this world. "The fourth star of "Gordon Mills family" that follows Tom, Engel, and O'Sullivan is this beautiful woman singer of 22 years" that is recommended as how when singing, and written in a Japanese single board and the copy sentence of sugar Me. It retreats, it depends also on a talented producer, Gordon, and the dependence that makes it big in gay character, Tom Jones, and Ngelbelt Fmparding both men's sales, and even the woman has acquired a transient character after Gilbert. How shall we market?Oh dear ..can the visit.. when the jacket of the single and the album is seen. the hesitating appearanceIs it the made music that made the name in the France style?Weak French mutter character. Mr. fair hair, and it is Donub and the line long ages is ..bite.. . Catherine it,Ahead of that ゥ・ It makes it like Signorina (This is a female version of the Mr. Sullivan success). "Roughhouse Inn Za tea cup" that Fortunz in January, '72 did : starting in life for the first time as an author of the tune. Only the desire does this delicate tune to 3dog Nai key of G like a man. Because this became a big hit, it seems that it was preparation OK with steady steps in the Signorina route. However, debut single person in question is previous "Sugar Me" ..of what you thought... It is an entering S&M amorousness song of sound of the whip no matter how it listens. The 16th place in Germany and the 5th place in Britain that has become a big hit ..doing... decide the route afterwards because it massaged it the 4th place in Sweden ..the 1st place in Belgium.. the 2nd place in Australia ..this.. ..the 1st place in the Netherlands..ー or Gorjassecsi. retreatKeshou. In the girl with a weak image the ..radical change.. first in "Getting A drug" in the route almost and the third step "Someone dances with me ..the second single step.." however. Because making by oneself is ..the both.., this is new UK female singers who have not appeared up to now. What person mystery character is it?1st that receives three hit and puts it out doesn't Rancin it to the chart at all. How much person also in the own country therefore are and do neither listening nor the person who encountered exist in having bent it doing?It twines round the work of most tunes, and the sound making is relations .. Is it true?The collection tune is patted ..not coming.. (With Kyocjun of LP).
A respect
1.Sugar Me
ゥ・1st hit of this. Exoticism transformation fool tune not to understand it whether is stepping on four in Basdora disco, and countries where in this age. It did for myself (Though it is not thought that it thinks (^_^;) even if you do for myself too much) or of ..it is possible to do.. Sgo. be said to make itDoing also. Singing that not is by most thinking about anything. The transformation father composer usually makes and figure in the new singer who doesn't know that makes it sing what.
2.Ivory tower
ゥ・Sudden transformation. Large famous piece of music. Ballade that added Beatles to Bacharach. The sound is Ameot of the recorder. It begins to turn out here. Sexily, and in this singing, in technique, isn't not it, and person in question person who doesn't have physical strength?It seems to be very diminutive actually one. Do not succeed in the book on the art of defense at later years however, and want ..TV producer.. ..Barbary.. not to see. Then, on purpose. Let me say.
3.Doctor doctor
ゥ・Amorousness a little. It is near said AOR later. It is a humour tune a Bacharach thick color adult.
4.Crossword puzzle
ゥ・Only, tune that doesn't twine round work. Is it a partner, and is it Bury blue Mr. of a Bury green composition? one authorWas it green first (^0^)?It is this and melting Mero. The singing voice already seems to disappear.
5.Za way it Gorz
ゥ・The ballade that seems to disappear continues. When Eric Carmen's becoming a woman, making up, and making it to what that doesn't come.
6.Want Sam Buddy dance Uiz Me
ゥ・The third bounce single. . that strings that enter soberly are indescribably wonderful..boiling.. number for which I wait. Amorousness already completely ..To.. is put away when listening here. Talent that makes Sabimero and talent that rolls word.
B respect
1.Getting A drug
ゥ・The second bounce single without no gram I food either. It enters funky. Corbicula title and what sing by you?It prepares and Do ram comes out from the apple of Get Back.
2.Sor goodness Tu Yu
ゥ・Highlight .Singing voice seeming the most much to die, and ..retreat.. famous piece of music. If it is usual, continuous the first place for seven ..single it.. weeks.
3.Roughhouse Inn Za tea cup
ゥ・The highlight continues. It is such lyrics.
Is it that Pitapata,, and one dripping of Pitapata rain hit your
window frame of which the storm of the thunder comes?
Rain doesn't worry yet it is likely already to fall for a moment for
one hour. It doesn't worry even about you.
Is it a humming of the hurricane?
Anxiously at each your listening to it without running either. It
doesn't worry even about you.
When does my love to you even disappear?
Per second per second deploring
Because anxiously. It doesn't worry even about you.
It is a whirl of the cup of tea.
There is no truth of the whirl of the cup of the tea that becomes
double a small small trouble and whirls.
...saying all day long sprightly..
All ending of a words rhyme that when making it to Japanese.
4.Mama Du
ゥ・Whether it is new Seoul. It is funky and a bamboo basket. ..surface... mimic it about a black personIn Seoul, there is the person person's method.
5.Sleeping Blunaits
ゥ・It continues funky. It approaches STEELY DAN's urban. Moreover, to AJA. The work is a tune not rapidly believed easily for 73 years. This might have been acquired where.
6.All nights
ゥ・It continues urban. The music resounding Cravi and all night long.
Amorousness content rate 20 percent. It is board.
By the way, Kyocjun of CD of the sale : this time.
1. Mama Do
2. Ivory Tower
3. Doctor Doctor
4. Crossword Puzzle
5. Water
6. Sleeping Blue Nights
7. The Way It Goes
8. Rockerdile
9. Sugar Me
10. Just Visiting
11. Storm In A Teacup *bonus track
12. Getting A Drag *bonus track
13. Brandy *bonus track
14. All Night *bonus track
15. Blind Leading The Blind *bonus track
16. Won't Somebody Dance With Me *bonus track
17. So Good To You *bonus tracks
It is a great board of obtaining &POP that listening to the world prejudice, the biased viewpoint, the preconception, and such in the color meaning should also confront to finish the omission of power.