Mike McGear


女人 僕はお前にめろめろ 溺れたい
女人 どうか僕の愛をお前の悲しみの仲間に加えておくれ
女人 どうか僕に泣いてください
女人 どうか泣いて どうか僕のことで 泣いてください
女人 どうしてお前の波動はそこらじゅうで渦巻いているんだろう
女人 僕は何とかうまく、そして溺れてしまうまで幸せにはなれません
女人 どうか僕を丸ごと包んでおくれ
女人 おー、どうか僕を 包んで 丸ごと包んでください
女人 僕は君のキスが欲しい 丸ごと飲み込んでくれるような
女人 悲しみを振り払って 僕についてきて
女人 おーどうか どうか僕を丸ごと包んでおくれ
どうかまるごと どうか僕に夢を紡いでおくれ
女人 おーどうか どうか僕に笑って
どうか微笑んで どうか どうか微笑んでください

SORRY,Mistranslation multi.
*It wanted it. The edge can be finally done and Mike McGear's album ..coming.. : to the house. It doesn't differ and it decides it to the expectation this year's best 10 entering of me.
Mr. mike is not in Mr. mike Maki where the rose blooms, and is that that that Paul McCartney's younger brother. The gag rock band called Scafold, and large activity and 5 all Britain TOP40 hit and it exists in 60's. The tune is the 36th first rank place in solo in "Reb it" in October of 74 years. It is my and. After it collects of the of ..interesting.. Mo lamplight of a British chart, it is one of the famous piece of musics never forgotten. This : though it looks for LP by "Macgia" of 2nd and it is taken to enter ゥ・ It doesn't go out. The aspect of ..getting into trouble.. Cou. go outIsn't there not ..becoming it.. doing Amazon ..Tuu.. by chance if it sees?"Macgia" 8972 yen. ..retreat.. ー. . that cannot be boughtI will buy it when there can be excrement and it gains. It cries. It is, and when the under is seen by chance, "Of ..floatage.. ー. "XXX yen. It is possible to buy it. I thought that here was higher. It solved and it came to my home.
It is 1st album of the announcement in 1972. The jacket seems to be mammy's photograph. I have thought that the person in question is disguising by him/herself as a woman. Paul, look like. The nose and Mr. mike's mouth are Crisots. It ..ゥ・.. ..large surprise of none living.. permeates in the first title tune when it ..personal computer.. is made to roll out. . It is a ballade sung with the piano.
I want to be drowned the woman servant ..you...
Please cry in addition to the companion of a woman very or sadness of
you my love ..me ..a falling behind woman very.....
It ..woman very.. cries and cry and I please.
The woman servant who might whirl by around there manages to be good,
and the woman your wave motion to encompass a woman who cannot become
it very or me wholly happily until being drowned and is falling
The woman, and please encompass me please and encompass it wholly.
The woman servant to shake off the woman sorrow that it wants your
kiss wholly swallowed, to come about me, to encompass me wholly
whether a woman very, to fall behind, to spin the dream in me please
wholly please, and is falling behind.
It is laughed whether it is a woman very ..me...
Please please with a smile please with a smile.
It is not ..terrible.. when the translating explaining is done and it writes (^0^). Cry thought to be Mr. song by which a man depended too much again. Trap in which it thinks of. . It comes when this listens again. When becoming love song and something situation to the woman, some straw to which it wants to cling is requested, and let's do not request and do not request such existence as had.
The work is both Mr. mike and the Scaffold age, and Mr. Roger Maggor like John.
Only this tune's alone not retreating seems to become the one that March, 2006 is not forgotten now.
Continuing "Witness" is the blues. Britain not black. I do not want must to see "Eye Wontu" of Abbey Road.
"Jori goodness show" is funk. Britain not black.
"Rormin A load" is light step POP. Pure Britain. I do not want must to see "Ace boon coon" of the queen.
"Sister" is a cabaret jazz. Britain not black. Bar in Yokosuka.
It Lauryn locks to "Wisshin" by running at a dogtrot.
"Young man" is not that of Hidekisaijor of course but is a funky blues. Britain not black.
"Edward Health" is a song of Hevi 70's beginning SSW. When curving in what. I do not want must to see "Wall of the life" of Elton. "It is bored like butter Scotch" ends in and is this of which it peels off and , went out. . that cannot be explained wellExtremity of dazzling British POP ballade. It is a book tendon only in such a way. It is round and round ..the turn... Nel Ines's face.
"Residential area downtown" Lauryn is locked again.
"Tiger" is of can John it. It is so. There are not recalling of whom in and the big brother and it is John. This on earth :. Is it sympathy considered as existence against with the big brother?No do be known of music either. sweeping HeviScaffold is a great difference. It is commonly said by me the back Beatles family. , person in question will be lived separately back and not exist. AbsolutelyIf you do not call the music only of this table mike Macgia. It is necessary to swallow the word that explains easily with a jerk. I think it is very impolite.