the Rumour










by Yama
SORRY,Mistranslation multi.
*1st album of the roux moa of the rumor is finally making to CD.
Anything seems to be analog causing, and . at home if so with it is possible to do,,, and the BBC sound source. They seeming are 1000 all parts of the world limitations. The sale origin is relapse label MSI that Japan boasts to the world. The price is a single word of the passion barrel and admiration that releases the record of the profit disregard when though is embarrassed possession and height. Please it doesn't collapse.
We were going to have expressed our gratitude for 2nd last Friday (3/24). It is gotten and please in that because the career was easily written there. The roux moa is a pub of Brinzraz + Ducks and lock Orlstarz when introducing it more easily again. Band done by member called out to recording of the big brother of too thin man Graham Parker who burns. 1977 when Meramera blazed up with blowout rise period of case and hot man GP in case. 1st own album was almost released with big brother's of GP album and stick Tu Me that blazed up most at a simultaneous period. Neither food nor the audition can be done anywhere, and, first, listen to the sound of the Graham's board, please. ..the performance to the Mr. old friend Nick Russo row produce and dumpling Dango dare because of the done sound, and the burns when it touches... There. What impression do you have though the genre of a rough indulgence is done if the pub, it locks, the person who knows ..piling up.. knows, and it doesn't know?It is not related to not selling ..selling.., and are they musicians who were doing, and will honest on noisy the other side of of the gram be in no squids,, and the bar, performed places parties who did as for our music? reverse-.. cookIt has the street, merit, and the weak point at the same time and .. There is power no respect in a comfortable paradise pleasantly, and oppositely without any inhibitions, too. The ..person who listens.. actually feeling is ..helping.. for ..reeling.. musician then. As for it, my is understood best. It ..guest.. experiences in my band two people, it doesn't become one degree, and it exists twice. Though it was a day of the heavy snow and the heavy rain. The arm is skillful. It is not it is and of and is an of course roux moa. Such they are . of a hot for a moment day when it cheered. It is ..making.. . of music that not is even if jumping when curving. This board went out of Vartigo/Fonogram majors in the translation also that it was beam Yamatoma label of Pabrocc, and was the hiding house band of Stiff. This is a miracle though it is from the line in the Mercury of Mr. GP. ..going yep.. to the sound of it until the future. The backing band indeed : though the big brother of GP is popular. ..seeming having not sold at all, and might being able the tousel even by mastering not to mention the multi then... It : nothing but as the relapse has seemed to be impossible up to now.
The title is max. Same joke as nick lowe's EP "Bowie" why. It is "Roux moa. " of Fleet wood Mac because it is 77 years. Therefore, roux moa's "Max". Person bought by mistake (^0^). Such Stiff style Betagag loving. The done music ゥ・ A hot performance with Mr. GP is another ..elegance... Closing of accounts in pub and lock age when yourself came. It is extremity of the American music loving music seen from Britain. Cut that it is there from the flavor, the taste, it, and the blowout ..getting... Other companions are Dai resolution ..boiling.. .... ..floatage.. full loading from which the apology doesn't stand. came by us when putting it to this age hereAnd, it is in the sound of a roux moa that is and is different from Brinzraz and Ducks. AC/DC, and production is a familiar locker producer, and Mr. Robert John lunge the band. The mix down thoroughly : the band. The recording is a sacred ground lock field studio.
The album starts from "Surgical knife Uiz love" in Mr. Cc row's Brinzraz age. Cc's tune is gotten only the charming taste here, and understands by one though is large individuality of the roux moa in complete. The roux moa trumpet corps that only at that time of this, was also greatly takes an active part. It becomes the large thanks tune to Memphis and Seoul. It is only "Largeness. ". It is already complete KO here. "Du nothing. " ..scissors of the hard Inaf Tu show of original Rege (tune that this is good again).. by the Duke Ellington of ..peel.. , earl. If this is not said again, it transforms to the locker ballade that doesn't understand. Only the desire is "Jet plainness ..Za band... "Lobby Robertson is Mr. Shuwalts's guitar feelings good . ..Pete Taunzent... "Lkking after NO1" of roll in Seoul ..doing UK of A respect last Ame car Toba ..strapping..... To the name of a song satisfactorily.
The first in B respect is tune "Im Gona make-up Yu love Me. " of 68 years in Stevie Wonder. Perhaps, only here : it is possible to come and the cover. Even uncles will do though good-looking of an original tune also comes. B2 is Bob Andrews's Tsuru Pikachu keyboard and leader dozed Merou songs. It is too good and has melted. B3 is giant life side guitarist and Martine Belmont's tunes. Vorcal is a perhaps person in question. B4 is upper ..British Memphis.. Seoul. Andrew Bodonar and Steffen Goulding both men who begins to beat this done ..anger.. beat. peelLast : with dark reggae.
If Hama absolutely sells and will have the album in the crucible of poverty in the future very
It is this.
The max of a roux moa and an equal roux moa of Mac is a life board.