
Oates = Hall 3 Smile / Daryl Hall & John Oates 1976


Oates = Hall 3 Smile
Daryl Hall & John Oates

Oates = Hall 3 Smile
Daryl Hall & John Oates




僕は君を感じることが出来る その夜君を見つめていると
僕にまとわりつく全くの孤独 あああ 僕らは日の光を待っているんだ
僕が寒くて仕方が無かった時 君は僕を暖める
僕がもう駄目だと思った時 君はやって来て僕を抱きしめる
それは君 そして僕 永遠に

サラ 微笑んで

もし君が別れたいと思ったなら 行く事だって出来た 君自身わかっている
そしてもし君が自由になりたいと思ったら 君がしなければならないことは そう言うことだけ
君が寒くてたまらないと感じたら 僕は君を暖める
君がもう駄目だと思った時 僕はやって来て君を抱きしめる
それは君 そして僕 永遠に

サラ 微笑んで






うーううう うーううう
皆が僕に教えようとする 僕にとって何が正しいのか
でも僕にははっきりわかっていた それが無駄な努力だってこと
僕はそれを得たと思っていた 得る強さをも持っていたと
僕には何か飲むことが必要 そして 素早い決断も
結局それは僕次第だ おおいったいどうなるんだ

行っちゃった 彼女が おわ
行っちゃった 彼女が おわ
行っちゃった 彼女が どこがどう間違ったんだ


行っちゃった 彼女が おわ
行っちゃった 彼女が おわ
行っちゃった 彼女が どこがどう間違ったんだ


行っちゃった 彼女が おわ
行っちゃった 彼女が おわ
行っちゃった 彼女が どこがどう間違ったんだ

行っちゃった 彼女が おわ
行っちゃった 彼女が おわ
行っちゃった 彼女が どこがどう間違ったんだ





君はしたいことをするのだ 君はそうあらなければ
君は女性を求めなさい でも 君は君自身であらなければ
そんな権利なんか無いぞ 間違ったことかも
でも強さなんか諦めて 切り替えるのだ
弱さなんか 弱さなんか捨て去って 頑張れ

したいことを したいことを したいことを
でも君自身であらねば 君自身であらねばああ

したいことを したいことを したいことを
でも君自身であらねば 君自身であらねばあああーああああああ

君は信じるかい ホットな車の中で 革のバーで それとも映画スター
代償を支払う 地べたの靴 シカゴ・ブルース
君は変わらねばユカちゃんユカちゃんユカちゃん 隠すことなんか出来やしない
君のゲームだ 君の取引だよ

したいことを したいことを したいことを
でも君自身であらねば 君自身であらねばああ

したいことを したいことを したいことを
でも君自身であらねば 君自身であらねばあああーああああああ




by Yama
SORRY,Mistranslation multi.

*Today's "Meeting to praise a perfect single" is single three that did the break first when Oates=Hall 3 Smile Daryl Hall&John Oates hall & Oates is Oates = hall or Oates vs hall.
It is Othello and unpleasantness ..panting.. ..piling up.. ..rare A.. ..combination (..) of Philadelphia and Seoul where unity & love was powerfully sounded in the first half of 70's that is black and is white that unites it as two young people in Wa boundary agree in the elevator that happened to be with a person by chance that is during no Ma ..it is..Even the debut was also very continuous to debut of the hardship. It is not possible to lead to the success even if it does with Mr. "Long face" the expert, Arif Murdin, and Tod Lungren who makes the black a white black with the distinguished family Atlantic label. No one can ..this music.. have done nobody still anyway it not was. The one to have made an effort when having started giving up that it was already useless brings it forth without fail. The first smash hit tune is appearance in April, '76.

Sara ..may smile by you..

From alias "Silver album" transfered the register to RCA. However, the sale is September of 75 years in the previous year. Rank Inn where half a year passes indeed. What was the chance?Is not in musical wonderful in old times to saying. Of course six ..Tomo Christopher bond.. production &8 also is taken an active part. However, it is thought only that time to want the preparation and this music to which the people externals too listen came.
The song is Mr. Daryl hall. ..peel.. Oates who supports it. It is led to the guitar introduction to a peculiar tone.

Woman's eyes and baby hair
When complete, solitary Boc are to me by me when I watch you on that
night when you can be felt and wait for the light on the day and are
cold in Boc and do not have the method, you warm me.
When thinking that I am already useless, it that comes and embraces
me closely : you to you and an eternal servant.

Sara and smile
For a moment with a smile for me.

You go and exist please at least ..understanding.. yet you who can have done until
tomorrow if you wanted to separate?
And, when I think that you who warms you are already useless when you are felt to have
to do if you want to become free that only saying so is unbearably cold you, it that
comes and embraces you closely : me to you and an eternal servant.

Sara and smile
For a moment with a smile for me.

Please for me for a moment

There is completely neither desire nor straining, is no twist, and the Salas mile that sings Sara. It is nakedness. The fourth first rank place on the week 14 of the TOP40 entering ..doing... entered everyone's mind abruptly it above all
The people from all over the U.S. noticed the existence. Completely in the entry of 18 weeks. I want to listen more. Things except more appearance, and "Dining room of which it rots away" collection of 2nd album from old home Atlantic record

Seeds Gorn

The first hit was this. It goes up to the 60th POP chart first rank place in 74. It is activity continuance by the favor and .. A middle famous piece of music "Arorn Tu length ..Oates.." of the singing 98th first rank place in the black chart very ..this... the first single from "Silver album" if I say to SaraThe 23rd black chart place. Sara ..may smile by you..When he or she is a serious, by chance black combination, it thinks and the listener is .. Great that possession is not in overwork either. Hall vs Oates in complete.

Of ..floatage.. ー
Everyone : at ease high.
It had to me all for me who tried to teach of what and my ..correct..
father had my being made tedious by the preach.
it is made to do and, after all, when Boc has strength obtained ..the
desire.. when it was obtained, it is servant situation for me however
as for I'm sorry Charlie and a useless thing. determine the
necessity and quick drink something in me it that understands clearly

Her that has been done
Her that has been done that it is necessary to learn opposite way to
The woman who had done not to care even if the satan would become it
instead of her in the future made a mistake in me and it made a
mistake very where.

The mirror saw in the morning.
If I say the face to the washing stand like the toothbrush of the
hanging woman,, it is disappointed in love ..aging already.., and I
ragged ..putting out.. ー.

Her that has been done
Her that has been done that it is necessary to learn opposite way to
The woman who had done not to care even if the satan would become it
instead of her in the future made a mistake in me and it made a
mistake very where.

Everyone cannot take the place of existence of such her ..whether to
melt memories.. however if I am made suffocated with carbon dioxide
and the carbon monoxide, and the day of ..Pretty.. Bo even if it
thinks spending through all eternity in the place where I am a town.

Her that has been done
Her that has been done that it is necessary to learn opposite way to
The woman who had done not to care even if the satan would become it
instead of her in the future made a mistake in me and it made a
mistake very where.

Her that has been done
Her that has been done that it is necessary to learn opposite way to
The woman who had done not to care even if the satan would become it
instead of her in the future made a mistake in me and it made a
mistake very where.

It is ..unpleasantness.. difficult. The expression is confusing. It Saras, with a smile, and : in the great difference. It is young. Japanese syllabary from ・・・. It is shaken after all however and ..sadness.. ー :. It sings grandly. And this ..painful.. tune more : because it tries to put the reason variously. I see ..the translation...
It entered in August in the midsummer, it reached the seventh first rank place on the week 12, and it entered it for 16 weeks per 40 range. A popular relation between two people might have returned by this at five minutes.

And, having quietly slid into for 76 years of the success on the week fourth at twilight is new album "Roccn Seoul = Ritz album. "

Du watt Yu Want and Be Wattu Ar

How probably a sober tune though it is the first single. ..retreat.. ..impression... see live film with TV perform the tune of cervine and meThis fellows it is Sha and it doesn't exist. The Salas mile keeps favorite, and the depth and Mageing have come by this.
It is a thorough Daryl hall show.
Versions think that it is Be Wattu Ar most because it sings, kneading is called, and it accelerates if it sings.

You only do ..the request of the woman.. so you if you are not you if
there is so no ..your.. Kimi.
Do your best ..making switch Jac and throwing away weak... give up
strength it is likely to be going to lose sight I

It is done to want to do wanting do wanting do and you do wanting do.

However, ah when it is you in case of you.

It is done to want to do wanting do wanting do and you do wanting do.

However, when it is you, you are.

In you, are do it believe or it and the film star deflecting the
realities in a hot car in a leather bar?
What wind do you feel the shoes Chicago blues of ground where
compensation is paid deflecting?
It is a certain one to be deep you who cannot do ..Yuca.. concealment ..
Yuca.. ..Yuca.. when you change.
It is dealings of Kimi. your game it

It is done to want to do wanting do wanting do and you do wanting do.

However, ah when it is you in case of you.

It is done to want to do wanting do wanting do and you do wanting do.

However, when it is you, you are.

Have you ..Daryl.. been shaken roughly?"You" It is .."I".. . though says. The appearance of Boroboro like the toothbrush of hard-boiled considerably though affected. It is Masaki. To the way of the face. It is Oates, and apple in the next. Blood doesn't go out of gums.
The 39th first rank place in entry for two weeks
The relation must be in this about the order.
Because it was one passing enough enough as an album preview strong.
The title might be a proverb. Does anyone know?

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Excerpt: Renowned record producer Arif Mardin dies at 74(こちら) 数々のヒット作を生み出した名プロデューサー 一番音楽を貪欲に聴いていた時代に活躍していた人..
Weblog: blog EVERGREEN
Tracked: 2006-06-28 07:54
