Glam Greats 2005/6/7
*ついに登場、グラム真正面剛速球コンピ、その名もグラム・グレーツ・シリーズ。6月7日に第2集まで発売されます。発売元はCrimson Productionsてとこ。新しいレーベルか6月からクラシック・ロックのコンピをどわっと出してくれる。他にも面白そうなのが一杯なんで楽しみ。さてこのコンピ、もう全くカルトで無くて素敵。今まで最強のグラム・コンピつうとヴァージン・TVのベスト・エヴァー・グラム・アルバムだと思ってましたけどすぐ入手難になっちまったしもう一つダイナマイトとゆうのもやばそう。Velvet Tinmineとゆうカルトなやつが新しくて即入手可なれどこれでは竹之内、真弓のビデオは有っても王、長島のビデオが見れないつう妙な具合に。何たって混ぜて聴くのが楽しいグラムポップですけん待望です。これから3,4と続いたらいいな。残念なのが値段が高いこと。なぜでしょう。流通の問題でもあるのか。もう少し待てば安くなるかな。廃盤に即なっちゃたりして。世の中理不尽。ご存知の方もおられるかも知れませぬ。今月号の某レココレ誌がグラム特集、まさかそれに合わせたつう訳で無く、きっとこころっくすのために違いない。がはは。うちでは自力で片っ端から曲集めるもぼろぼろのアナログから取ったやつとかも多いからなあ、だぶりまくってもどうしよう。欲しいんだけど。そのレココレ、とくと拝見いたしました。日本発の真実のグラム・ロック特集って書かれちゃあ見ない訳にはまいらぬ。力作で何か卒論読んでるみたいでちと苦笑。グラムで卒論〜。なわりにデータが例によって少なく論より証拠じゃ無くて証拠より論かよ。そうなると己の論に事実を強引に引っ張って来ちゃってそりゃまずいんじゃないか。変だなあと思うとこ多々有り。まず欧米の現地のグラム感と日本のが違うんじゃ無いかと力説なさってたけど、別に違っててもそりゃ構わないと思う次第。何も向こうに合わせる必要も無く日本つうより各人でそれぞれ勝手に思ってたってそれは自由だもんな。でも問題なのはデータとか音が揃ってて自分で選んでグラム像を思う描くんじゃ無くて限られた情報でそうせざるを得なかったってこと。それをやったのは日本の洋楽ロック・マスコミで、いわば責任は自分たちにあるのに、まー他人事のように。ネット時代の今になって生のチャート・データとか初めて見れるようになってびっくりしてるのはこっちです。それなのにまた証拠より論で新たな刷り込み計ろうとしてのかー。いつも言わせてもろうてるけどお金貰って時間かけて調べることの出来るロック雑誌の方には生のデータ提示を頭に持って来て欲しいぞ。それ見てこっちは勝手に判断するから。読ませて貰って肝心なことはいまだわからずじまいで。例えばケニーでギター弾いてるクリス・レイ氏について「クリス・スペディング氏との説有り」と書いてありましたけど、この方、全然音楽違うリンジー・ディ・ポール嬢のアルバムでも大活躍してるんだよな。スペディング氏のギターってかなり個性があるんで目が点に。何故変名にしなきゃあかんかったか。もしや水戸黄門の脚本書いてる「葉山彰子」名義みたいに複数おるのでは無いかと疑ってるんだけど。印税じゃなくて取っ払い仕事の時に使うとか。「説有り」とか書くだけで噂が本当になっちまいますからそこはちゃんと調べて欲しかった。素人が何アホなこと言ってるとか思うのならやっておくんなんまし。それとベイ・シティ・ローラーズのサタデイ・ナイトがルーターズのレッツ・ゴーのパターンをパクっててそれがグラム・リズムの元になってるんじゃ無いかつう論。これカーズのレッツ・ゴーでもお馴染みのあのチア・ガール応援リズムなんだけどそれだけで全部そうかつうとそんな単純なものでもあるまいに。ボケーっと英国チャートの曲、聴いてるだけで、モータウンの宴会手拍子リズムがとにかくイギリス人は好きなんだなあとかロックンロール、ブギはもう自分達の音楽だと思ってるんだなとかロックも進んじゃって一緒に歌えて尻出して騒げる音楽が欲しかったんだなとか、それはグラムの前からちゃんと有ったんだけど長老のアレクシス・コーナー氏のCSSとか仲間若手のボランはんがきっかけを作ってくれたんでもっと騒げるようになったとか、もっともっと騒げる種探してアフリカのブルンディ・ブラックまで引っ張り出したとかSFも好きとか、もう整合性などあるんだか無いんだか、そのぐっちゃんぐっちゃんなとこが魅力なんですから。当時の事件、記事とかカルトなとかだったらチャートの下位を見せてくれたりして欲しかった。してくれなかったから興味が有るんなら自分で調べるしか無いか。他人を当てにしてはいけないな(^0^)。はい。それとチニ=チャプとかプロのプロダクション・チームが綿密なマーケッティングの元、「作りこまれていった」つう記述もどうも。白けるなあ。そりゃこうしてみたいてのはあったと聞いてますが、無きゃ作れん、作りこまれたつう割には穴が大有りで。そのお間抜けなとこもグラム・ポップの魅力なのに。自分じゃ歌わない曲作りのメンバーが例えばスイートならスイートに加入して音楽を作ったって思ってます私。それだけ個性があります。世間に合ってようと合ってまいと自分でもどうしょうもならないほどの。
SORRY,Mistranslation multi.
*Glam front great physical strength fast ball Compi and the name are gram Grats series that finally appear. It is put on the market to the second collection on June 7. The sale origin is Crimson Productions .. Compi of the classics locks is put out with in new label or June. It enjoys it by the fact that seeming other to be interested is full. It is not and is wonderful in complete cult ..this Compi.. already well. It has been thought up to now that it is best Eva gram album of the strongest glam Compi Virgin and TV and is of another dynamite in the obtaining difficulty. It is ..Velvet Tinmine cult.. new, and Takenouchi and Mayumi's videos can see the king and the video of Nagashima even in case of being and : to the condition of strange in this ..being possible to obtain immediately.. however. It is an expectation to which listening mixing it anyhow cannot become empty by gram happy pop. Be not good with 3 and 4 in the future when it continues. The regrettable one must be high and the price must be high. It might be why. Is it a problem of circulation?Does it become cheap if waiting a little more?It is immediately in the abolition board. The world is unjust. Is there a person who knows, too and it is not possible to know. The certain Recocore magazine of the issue features it the gram this month, and it is surely Yac, it doesn't exist according to it, and there is surely no difference for mind. . A lot of.. it is, and the guy who took it is from a tattered analogue though ..tune.. collected one after another for oneself by him, too. Though it is desirous. It ..the Recocore.. had a good look. The glam rock feature of the truth from Japan writes and doesn't come to the translation not seen. It smiles wryly with the masterpiece as the graduation thesis reading something. Is it a gram and a graduation thesis?。From evidence whether there is no data in evidence from theory few in depending on example and theoryThen, it might be unpalatable when the fact is forcibly pulled to the theory by yourself and it curves. ..desire.. Oo multi having. strangeI do not think that it cares about separately differing though it was stressed that it was not in gram feeling and Japan's local in Europe and America different. It hangs, it thinks of Japan from respectively without permission in everybody ..need not the match of anything to the other side.., it leaves, and it is ..free... When I cannot help even doing so by information to which gram image chooses by me as data or sound becomes complete and is not in drawing and is limited to thinkHaving done it : to the way of the others of ..reeling.. ー thing though we are so to speak responsible in the western-style music lock mass communication in Japan. It will become soon and it is here like the chart data of the life to be surprised to come to be able to see for the first time of the net age. Again does it stencil new and does it try to measure it from evidence by the theory yet?I will want you to bring it the head of the presentation of the data of the life disregarding of money Mora at time though it is possible ..furnace.. to shoot even if it is always made to say. the lock magazine that can be examinedBecause it sees and here judges it without permission.
It is made to read and an essential thing is still. For instance..Kenny..guitar..bullet..Chris..lei..Mr...Chris..Spedding..write..this..one..at all..music..float..Lindsey De Paul..Miss..album..take an active part.Eyes : Peding's guitar to the point in the place where there is considerably individuality. It is in the false name why. Two or more : like Mitokomon's "Akiko Hayama" name of scenario book by chance though doubts it not is. It is not a royalty and when ..saying.. working, taking Hara is used. I wanted you to examine neatly from really "Theory having" the rumor ..only writing... The amateur is what if it thinks of fool as saying. Its and Bay City Rollers's Saturday nights snarf the pattern of the Let's going of Lutarz and ..it is.. Ron in becoming. the origin of gram .... rhythmEven the Let's going of this Carz : also to it alone and will not the one of and entire simple it though it is that familiar cheerleader assistance rhythm. The British anyway wanted the feast clapping rhythm of Motown and doesn't think that the rock'n'roll and Bgi the favor were music of us already or ..tune of Boka British chart.. want the music that was able to make noise by advanced being able ..lock.. to sing together and putting out hips ..only listening... The favor or the correspondence already, etc. are or do not exist or : SF as it dragged it to a Burundi ..Africa.. black as presbyter's Mr. Alexis corner's CSS or companion young man's Volan looks for the seed that can make noise more more as came to being able to have made and the more bluster because it is .... .... .... attractive though were neatly ahead of the gram it. When it was of an event at that time, the article or cult, I wanted you to show the subordinate position of the chart. Is there only my examination if there is an interest because it did not do?It is not relying on others (^0^)Yes. Thank you for the origin of elaborate marketing and "It made and crowded" description a production team who that was its and Tini = Chap or professional. ..chilled... Then, it is not possible to make, and the hole is large having in making Wa seen thus in case of not being though it is heard it was it is. Though it is a charm of the stupid G ram pop. Even if it joins sweetly and music is made, it is me who thinks if the member of the tune making not sung for myself is for instance sweet. There is individuality that much. It is suitable at the people and is suitable for the way, and it is dance, I, and.
This glam festival that participates by people with good a lot of sea weeds and rises very much. There are no true colors how many, it understands, and .... nature :. Because it is music, it is sleep food. Ahead though enjoyed more than the theory.