Space Oddity / David Bowie 1969
*The first single break tune and it in 1969 David Bowie are space Oditi. It succeeded in Apollo No.11 first in human race moon landing on July 20, and the just timing tune became a hit of the fifth British all first rank place ..movie "2001:A Space Odyssey".. ..space boom of big success of opening to the public unprecedented.. exactly in the previous year. Becoming a man in space, meeting an accident, and returning from Mars : Boi at the same time at "Starman" after three years. Is not there impossibility when the image's too strong and having without any mistake adhered curve?And, the problem is 1975. The leaving person concerned ..gram.. goes over to the United States, it returns in the young ..Seoul.. Yankee, and major Tom again returns to Britain in transformed November. Three weeks of two weeks and 1st place acquisition in November in 23th place in two weeks of October to as soon as debutting. running in chart itThis has already become a serious hit. Why do at this time?The coupling, and it is Chenges and of of the Velbet Gold Main super-arbalest class. Neither slump nor all British had consented to Otoco Boi in released Feim contrarily at the very welcome in the United States immediately before that Seoul. Though it might be a relapse not to consent most thought to be uneasy with RCA. And, this tune is bitten and tightened in a true meaning at without relation time to the space boom and the gram. In overwhelming the first place when all members forget themselves because of the goodness of the remainder and it notices. Is it too Doremi to think?It is too perfect actually. Even the wrinkle of the amount of major Tom was clearly seen in waiter's head and all musicians who performed then and there saw it, too. It is only clearly left for the sound to do now. Therefore, it rots away to another any further and this tune never rots away in doing like being it not is, and seem eternal the time of space, etc. , too. Aco guitar that stroke is done over there of space. Song by which meat suppressed suppression of Boi who has adhered strangely and pressed melody. no hair itThe shine of the majors Camma hope : the code. It changes into majors 7 and the chair control seat of the tinplate of the relaxation. The last Cowa was not Nao of the guitar solo why. This had to break. ....strike.. ー... Only telling as pending only calling of the one-sided ground command room and once is now astronaut of the soliloquy. The end cuts off communications and is of the wandering now somewhere. If necessary, it is possible to call it. 2001 year still ..passing already...