by Yama
SORRY,Mistranslation multi.
**It is Stories. It is minor or. retreatEven if it is familiar in the chase ..real time it.. by Compi etc. of Raino or doesn't so hear the name, I think an American chart hit to be able to encounter the group to which the flight cutting does one and the musician if it is a favorite person. Jack blue of Danshin Inn Za moonlight of king Harvest or Ozarc Mountain Deadebils or Tarzan waiter. Mr. shop who says commonly. one departureThis Storrez also acquired 1st place by "Brother Li" tune in 73. . of it is and ー of ♪. Oh Tagawayouske. Complication no : in the tune of respondent that rings in one's heart ..Leila and the mysterious masterpiece war in Soub... This is their of that 1st albums. It discovers it with this week's used LP. It groans instinctively in the crust and the place. This is made CD once when returning and examining it. It runs out of stock when seeing today ・・・ though it was done because there was the best board to which six is collected the abolition board and here ..paving.. of pleased for us to wish to express our gratitude for this with being in is. The price barrel and 34800 yen : though the Middle Ages goes out. . Astonishment . for which it waits when absorbing itGac. The board that does what tying music will not have the one that puts out 30,000 and buys it. Bori passing. Do not Muca some and do not attach. Please write in BBS when coming to want to audition food and to listen immediately though it is thought that it appears in an untouched price over time. Yes. It is not possible to write any more here (^0^). The gratitude is not settled and done with. I do not understand for a moment more than writing the liner of the single of this site "..falling down 45 times.. ー" the career either. It is assumed in detail that that is seen and the United States is a band of NY. The maximum charm is Ian Roid of lead Vorcal. When the song in this curves, it is already wonderful. Feeling that adds Janice Joplin, Mr. Robert plant, and Rod Stewart elder brother and bets 3.45. There is no mystery even if having already become an important person when curving if having entered Forrinar instead of roux gram Mr.. It is a no relish of the pull of which figure even in case of member's photograph ..regret.. .... Mi. Then, though my being said that it is a worst weakness will descend. Anyway, it is not anti-food in magic and that of the song. Tune and selfish. Like the tune that Mr. building pane of the Little foot makes. ..70'.. when it is an age when s initial and the hit were able to be locked without at all considering it. Withering of even so not stopping : to me favorite ..compact POP.. though wonderful of the song is also so in unbearably wonderful the melody at that time of that time though it is a painful field. Hi can come at the moment. It listens many times. The genre is a mixture. Lock in hard rock without. It is not easy to say that the remark is Woodstock. There is not Seoul shadow like hall & Oates either. There are only neither music that arose in the U.S. east coast in 72 nor a saying way. Though it writhes. The band today makes and the music put together from the experience rule. ..the clumsy again rattle it... can still make my music in the in one's own way at that timeIt is a charm. . of happy terrible age it for musicianEven if it is painful. The ..young people.. band is very of ..listening... Is it Cso?Poor. I am convinced that it freshly shines and can bathe in music in pleasure by nostalgia by assuming it is natural when curving besides it. I think person that makes even if it listens, lends, and puts out Samman. Let's stop it. If so, you should buy the record player. I obtained it for 1000 yen.