
Countdown to Extinction / Megadeth 1992/7/14






by Yama
SORRY,Mistranslation multi.

*It is a led megadeth of Mr. Dab Mustain as His Highness at whom the lock field doesn't laugh and Dab Mus ..doing.. , it who not is. The fifth work of break. ..retreat.. solving ..no ー..It relaxes one's guard in "Mr. heavy metal" of TV recently, Marty Friedman glad because of the character of rolling up joins, and the second work. Were you however truly ..that.. in such a severe band?The first rock band that appears after the last rock band REM is this megadeath. The grand wrestling sleep technique that this is great and the decision technique for it not was did the professional wrestling of strong of Hira prawn hardening first. Moreover, it is high-speed movement. The person calls it a slash though it is not thought that the waist was often deteriorated. The slash, and what is does it listen and?It is in clear Kin of Iriya to appear. Ah Hanashi doesn't continue. Did new joining Marty's beauty empty favorite lark influence one Pampapp of four works and an unmeasured place in which it had seemed?The god of the melody is finally an advent in the band. However, the attitude is the same. It is severer than the unpleasantness and is .. It is musical like captain Picard according to Jake of it having been made stand for 60 years. while the bone abacus is done the satanMoreover, is even meal a bone?It wants to clamour with and it understands ..becoming.. ..feelings... To begin with, the tone is a demon. It is a sound in 80's in the age of the reverberation from ..notifying... ..worried insect Ca seeing Tsb.. ..Mustin.. in the place in which it became skin & Bornz ..be... sprinkle enough salt in additionIt is the first Shikin Oma Tes of in jaguar Yokota's bridegroom when approaching in odd feelings. Half the number is almost kicked down here. Guitar solo without Marty Herr rest. Only man who survived is ..peel.. Kirartun that can be enjoyed, and a symphony of frenzy. Song of ruin pointed at man who lost yourself believing blindly. To when seeing clip in animated cartoon "Bebas & bat head" of MTV. Tucking in image of "Johnny Got his Gun" whether and-missile explosion somewhere of Kitsi movie any further. somewhereAnd, you are not because it is this lyrics though escaped by you when it is attitude. Bebas what not to be understood are Heddobakkin. It will not have impossibility because the pardon is not in the sweetness of Sabi and it is drawn in ahead of that either. In addition, the march is three of a worried insect that continues. 4.。The megadeath ..doing the surprise ballade... It has not laughed yet. Mitokomon..appearance..following..laugh..mouth..edge..a little..move..discovery..much..old times..boogie-woogie..twine round..shout..bullet..sweat.Is overwhelmed to playing during the march that doesn't fall into disorder of one. 5 now . "This is my alive externals. "Melody of appearance megadeath style cry finally. Best maneuver of this ..gooseflesh Ta... Unbearably like this feeling and for me at the time of this board. The melody is the Sabi world also in the continuing album title tune that continues, pulls, pulls, and explodes. It rhymes following Dovo Chong family's former steps and the word twines around the tremble. Megadeath not decided in ruined band. Please see lyrics of this tune. The knife is pointed at man who puts the body and repeats the ruin act for the looking honor and the self-satisfactory. It is a severe sound because it says so. It is desire 8 as spoiling for a moment . "Try if it is possible to do. " from chalk Sleeper and at the beginning. 9 of middle tempos that come to waist . Highest Toro. Talking 10 about Kyocuta it . The end is thrown in the ash by the mouth and is a finale. A Japanese board that can examine lyrics closely. In case of solving CCCD wanting to say it. Moreover, there is ahead by kill without fail Bortora, breakdown, and movie "Go Tu Hel" only of Japan that is for "Travel of building and Ted's hells" and is no this time. It is likely to have been turned to where. Even if the outside board is bought, it is the Japanese syllabary to bite by yourself and to tighten adhering original poetry in lyrics. Anyway, spirit seat. It is not ..Ne odd... Music of whole body to understand standing of dissolution or rumor when making it every time. ..apologize and do not exist when listening also tightens the hole of Kets...
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