
Free-for-All / Ted Nugent 1976


*残暑ですから。こうなったら乗り切るにはテッド兄貴の力を借りるしかあーりません。それも普通のやつじゃあきまへん。飛びっきりのやつお願 いしますぜ兄貴。とちょと声をかけたら、「おいよ」ぴょぴょぴょぴょーんと3mもジャンプしてくれちゃってさあ。かましてくれました「ハード・ギター爆 撃機フリー・フォー・オール」。どがががーん。ぼっかーん。やられたー。の2ndアルバムです。ベテランながらちいとばっか出遅れてしまってキッス やエアロの前座時代。若いやつらを横目で睨んでびゅうううと追い越してしもうたつう一作だ。さあ飛ぶぞ飛ぶぞと御大自ら「しゃしゃーり〜」と 歌うタイトル曲で軽くかましたら後は任したぞ俺はギター弾く。2種類の歪みのギターのコンビが今流行りのダブルスープとなってます。これは彼 が始めました。ずるると飲んでますと、出ました今回のスタア。体中ソーメンびらびらさせて登場は全世界デブの星、オール・ザ・ヤング・デブ、 ミートローフさん。エドワード=デイブコンビに匹敵するデブ=デカコンビ、そりゃもうたまらなく暑苦しく華麗ライスです。大盛り。やるは犬、犬 喰いの歌。そんなあ可哀想なことを。安心を。かわいくって食べちゃいたいくらいの歌の意味。じゃなくて物騒極まりないワルの共食いの歌 じゃ。さそり。「野獣地帯」って邦題に座布団10枚。必殺イントロ、必殺リフ、必殺リフレインの三拍子揃ったハードロックの金字塔ナンバー のこれはもうパナマーあに匹敵するよ。とやたらヴァン・ヘイレン・ファンを誘う。とゆうのもこの大馬鹿ニコニコハードロック路線はテッド兄貴が始 めたと思し召す。身長190cmあるとな。でか体をさらにでかく見せるためのデカフルアコースティック・エレキ。これがもしやあかんかったか。かっ こわりーんだよな。パっと見。ステージで見りゃあ全然印象違うと思うんだけど。何故ストラトはかっこよくてフルアコがださく見えるかは不明。つ いエリック・ゲイル氏とかがぽろんぽろん演歌渋を思い出すからか。なんてこたあどうでも良くなる聴いて3曲目。ミディアムテンポの腰ハード・ ボムだ。4曲目は高速ハードの悪の教科書ソング。サビでギターと歌がユニゾン、テンポを変えてソロ、また高速歌と手練手管でツボ突きで す。裏返して5曲目「街のねずみ野郎」。このテンポ聞いたら大抵のロック好きはやられるハイ・ミドルもの。ずんずんずんってやつでっさあ。曲 中ずっと右チャンネルで鳴ってる「ぎいこぎいこ」って何だろこりゃたまりません。展開でのドラムベースとギタアのユニゾンキメたまりません。やりた くなるバンドで。玉の汗かきながら歌ってる肉ミートローフさん改めて見事。ここまでハードしてるのはここだけですから。次作のボズさんといい、 狂いついやっちゃう何かが兄貴にはあるのだ。と盛り上げるばかりで無し。泣きもやります6は大バラード、ツゲザー。8.も聖典曲。ジュウダス 節かー。高速シャッフルのあれです。キメでじゃあじゃってやつ。どでででで、どでででででってリフの。最後はぐっと溜めてどかんと泣くってもの。 テッドさん、ほんと曲作りの才能あります。掴んで離さぬキャッチーさ。押しと引き両方有りのこの盤はマジ、ロック体の滋養強壮にぴったし。 毎日聴けばウナギよりばっちしだなこりゃ。




by Yama
SORRY,Mistranslation multi.

*Because it is lingering summer heat. Then, it is not debt ー to get it over as for big brother's of Ted power. It is coming . a guy usual as for it. It asks for the guy only of the flight and it is Ani Takashi. Now ..the jump by "Be" as many as 3m.. when it is called. "Hard guitar bomber free- for-all" that is. . . It was done. It is ..drinking 2 nd.. album. Is delayed starting and the opening performance age of the kiss and aero though it is an old-timer. It stares at young guys with side glances and ..saying.. Co of and O is done, and it does and Ittsc. The title tune that flies and sings To boss voluntarily, "Luxury?", and it is light and, now, left Ore is guitar bullet in At. The combination of the guitar of the distortion by two kinds of becomes Dablsup of the vogue now. He started this. It drinks, and it is, and it is a star this time when it went out. The Taituuso Men appearance all parts of the world fat person's is star, all Za young fat person, and Mr. meatloaf. It is already magnificent rice unbearably like an oven fat person = Decacombi that equals Edward = Dabcombi. Large height. Song. Such Omo ..encounter.. Caaware. Safety. The song is meant lovelily as want to be eaten. Then, be not and in the song of the cannibalism of an evildoer dangerous. Scorpion. "Brute zone" is ten square cushions in Dai. The kill without fail introduction, the kill without fail riff, and the kill without fail restraint equal and Panama has already equaled this of the monument number of hard rock that is triple time Soro. It takes and a random Van Halen fan is invited. When the big brother of Ted started, the large foolish smile hard rock route of thinks and summons. . of height 190cmTo show it, it is Decaflacorsticc electric. strapping further ..strapping.. TaiThis is by chance. Parentheses. Pa looking. Seeing Zenzen impression Tiga ..neglecting.. Omo yes in the stage. It is uncertain why Storat is good-looking and looks nerdy Flaco. ..making fun.. . that ..Eric Gale.. inadvertently recalls enka tanninIt listens very much and the 3rd that improves. It is a waist hard bomb of the medium tempo. The fourth is a textbook song of the evil of high- speed hardness. The unison, and the guitar and the song to be solo, to a high-speed songs, to arts and wiles, and piercing of the vital point with Sabi changing tempo. It turns inside out and the fifth "Rat fellow on street". Most favorite locks are these done high middle one of the tempo when hearing it. Rapid japanese aralia. " is not what ..".. that rings by a right channel for a long time in the tune mesne. Yunizonkimeing Gitaa doesn't collect with the drum base in development. Want to do and in the becoming it band. Splendidly ..renew Mr. meatloaf of ..singing.. meat.. while ..bead of perspiration.. coming. Because it is only here to do here hard. It is called Boz of the next work, and it goes mad and the big brother has something inadvertently done. It just piles up and there is not solving. Six that cries is a large ballade, and Tsgezar. Eight Tenkyoc of ..possession.. Sei. Is it Juudas paragraph?It is that of a high-speed shuffle. It is Kime,, and the guy. The riff in and. ..cry.. that doesn't retreat. accumulate the end with a jerkIt has the talent of the ..Ted.. true tune making. Obtaining not separated gripping it. This board the pull and there is both with pushing is in robust nourishment of Mage and the lock body. ..doing from the eel.. if it listens every day.
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