
RA / Utopia 1977/2






by Yama
SORRY,Mistranslation multi.

*.. It is in the New Year's Day put away. It is Ra. It is a ramen because of men who do Ra. Is loved. Album of 77 years in utopia. It is the first record where four people who stoutly unite firmly here and are greatly active become complete. The head is a Tod Lungren generalissimo. Anything is decided alone and anything is a man who sings. However, I love bands. The guy who gives it wants the complaint of ..encounter.. ー remark. Fight is done and. It is live minutely and by the few people. It is all choruses and Gar is additionally. It is backing that someone is singing and twining as for the guitar. It is a bus happily and tour. It gets tired because the same face is seen every day and. Time when it drank and Nozo seeing was finally suitable came. At the party to whom it seriously wrote the character of seriousness 376 times again. Large enthusiastic. It is individuality, and enlightenment of none living that always Gashigashis and has the arm by 120% even if it is usual though it is skillful. Four. Three compact pop is placed, and long tunes itIf it is Pregre, it is Pregre. ..length..What is every Progress even in case of ..music of the Tod utopia.. ..unparalleled.. Mi so as not to call even if the Zappa grandfather however does a long tune?Tod sign that comes out when cutting it. It doesn't change even if it becomes the member of the band. Because .. ..unexpectedness.. because it is an owner of individuality. Moreover, all members are Tod fans and it is serious. It does thoroughly. , and is does it go out and because it does and it was done that it attached?Individuality of Pia. solvingIt is Gomupattin. It is touch in the delicacy like luster with hard glass. Because it is Cashim Salton, even the name is .. It is a sung picture book glass guitar of 18 minutes in last to have done the glass declaration that dashes out. It : as the different color light jumps whenever the page is opened of what ..dazzling... There will rarely be seen music. It puts to sunburn by music in the case and it listens. It is ..green.. burnt. The excitement of the horror movie is rodomontade ..tasting.. opening. 「Prelude?Mountain?Day where it was found in the west externals」。"Magic dragon theater" ..title street it... Fainting in agony ballad "Eternal love" that went out after all and chorus, and festival "Sunburst finish" of Kime and "Hiroshima". Here is a tune in the weight with which it confuses it when Orient feeling Men's that cannot be understood from the front already, either coming to like it, and having sung by the humming. When it was correct, an atomic bombing and the anyway correct one feel admiration for obstinacy that keeps doing this in the United States of the air that cannot be intervened and the spirit. ・・・ It kicks ..doing on the Roppongi road from the back... It is tone quality Kyocft of CD. Because mastering is Mr. great workman building Ingrot of Raino. I listen to CD if there is his name. Hit gathers in Ban. Because it is a mass of Ac, it obtaining : the resolution please in pop. However, the morning sun will rise surely in five years in ten years in 70 years even if it buys and is immediately useless. With Mr..
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