Miscellaneous T / They Might Be Giants 1991/7
*80’s中盤からのバンドで大好きなのがキャンパー・バン・ベートーベンとこのゼイ・マイト・ビー・ジャイアンツです。共に理屈抜き、例えば10代にオーリアンズ聴いてああいいなあとうっとり音楽に浸浸になれる感触を味あわせてくれて。このTMBG、メンバーは歌とギターのジョン・フランズバーグ君と歌とアコーディオン他のジョン・リンネル君のお二人ジョンズ。デビューは86年のバンド名アルバムから。この盤は初期のシングルB面を集めて再び混ぜたものです。B面だからつうて侮る無かれ。何とまあ楽しく極上音楽が溢れてるのだ。物凄く多作な方たちでして一時は毎日1曲づつ作って専用電話にかけるとそれを聴けるつう話聞いたことあり。もしレイ・デイビス氏とフランク・ザッパ氏がこの時代に生まれて二人でバンドを組んだらこんな風にしたんじゃないかと思います。バンドの有り方は日本全国酒飲音頭のバラク〜ダのように。ジョナサン・リッチマンちゃんも入ってる。とぼけててユーモラス。XTCのママーのあの感じも。人肌のクリスマス・プレゼントのような。日常で触れる音楽の数々をおもしれーおもしれーと次々ネタでかまし、バッチリはまってて、それでいてテンパってる感じも無くてスキも大有りてんだから正にツボです。今でも私が音楽どんどん作る生活出来たとしたらこんな風に出来たらつう理想形だよな。いいよなあ。もちろんこの人たちはこれだけ才能があるから出来てるんだけんど。B面つうことでより一層自由闊達に遊んでます。ネタ元がわかるものもあり。と言ってもこれがまた巧妙で、あ、このフレーズどっかで聞いたことがあるよと思ってもなかなか出てこん。4.のワールズ・アドレスのサンプリング。これ何だったろう。もうちょっとで思い出すんだけどくー。悔しいぞこのー。曲全体もそのサンプル取り元のやつをキャット空中三回転させたものと、そこまでわかりながら出て来ないとは。やられた。全部が全部B面曲では無いようです。シングルのみリリースの名曲もあり。メロディで泣く。歌詞にも。この歌詞がまたすっとぼけてて。もちろん英語ですから丸わかり出来るはず無いけど、「おらあ駄目な男だー」から発展してとんでも無いところに到達する。ラストの「Don't Let's Start」。最初のシングルだそうでそれで「レッツ・スタートしない」(^0^)。「♪みんな不満を持って死にます。ああ、何て美しい」とかさあ。これをお気楽小唄で。極上POPで。この1曲聴けるだけでもこのCDが家に来て良かったとしみじみ思う。まだまだこの方たちのアルバム、持ってないものあり。最早完全信頼してますんで、これから出会うこと考えるとそれだけでも楽しみで、毎日仕事きゅうきゅうして稼ぐモチベとなっております。
by Yama
SORRY,Mistranslation multi.
*Loving in the band from middle 80's is camper van Beethoven and this They Might Be Giants. Reasons apart.., for instance,..in one's teens..listen..absent-mindedly..music..become..taste..have.This TMBG and member are couple Johns of John Linnell Herr of the song, John Flansburghof the guitar, the song, and the accordion and others. The debut : from the band name album of 86 years. This board is the one (the collection of initial single B respects and the mix again). It is a no withering because it is B respect .... made light of. The best music overflows how probably happily. They are Cata ..no terrible write prolifically.. and there is having heard it the it is possible to listen conversation of it when putting it on a special telephone making one one o'clock every day. I do not think that it does in this way when Mr. lei Davis and Frank Zappa are born in this age and the band is united by two people. Is what should be of the band Barak of Japanese nationwide sake Noond?To the way of Da. Jonathan Richmann also is entering. It pretends not to know and it is humorous. That feeling of the mama of XTC also. . like Christmas present of person skinThe material, and it is goodness or more, and then, is one after another .... Battiri, there is not temper feeling, and either because Ski is large having, is exactly vital point in daily life many of music that touches. Being possible to live is in this way it is possible to do ideal type by which I still make the music bowl bowl. . Of course, because only this has the talent, these people are it is possible to do .. It plays further more frankly with B respect and. There is the one to understand the material origin, too. It is quite going out . even if it is thought that this is clever again even if it says, and it has heard it this , ..encounter.. phrase somewhere. Sampling of Warlz address of four. It might have been what it was possible to come. Only recalling a little has already retreated. ..mortifying... ..not going out though the removing the sample and former guy ..the entire tune.. are understood there when it was made to do by three rotations Cat in the air... It was done. Everything seem not to be in B side tune. Only the single also has the famous piece of music of release. It cries in the melody. To lyrics. This lyrics abruptly become unclear again and. It develops from understanding ..English of course it.. ..round.. and it is possible to do Mu "ー ..a man of useless it.." ..going.. and it reaches the place in which not being even if jumping. "Don't Let's Start" of last. Seeming the first single and then it, it is "Let's do not start. " (^0^). 「It dies with dissatisfaction of all ♪. Ah it is very beautiful. 」Now. This in a comfortable ditty. In best POP. I heartily think that you may come to the house this CD only it is possible to listen to one ..this... There is ..possession.. one these people's still albums. It is ..work.. creaky to enjoy it however that much when thinking by having completely trusted it ..meeting in the future.. every day and earned Motibe.
Excerpt: They Might Be Giants/Don't Let's Start ジョン・リンネルとジョン・フランズバーグが結成したグループ。 現在はバンド編成だがデビュー当時は 二人のジョンとリズム..
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Tracked: 2005-09-22 17:37