
Eargasm / Johnnie Taylor 1976






by Yama
SORRY,Mistranslation multi.

*It is a man, and it is Johnnie who has the face like the fingerprint of the thumb of JT of the Soul boundary and Africa elephant's feet. Time is April, 1976. The first disco Lady in a chart from all over the U.S. suppressed a green tune like & Tenel and Mr. Gary light, etc. captain and it reigned over No.1 for four weeks. The disco boom is the re-counterattack of father Seoul at the stage more and more with what. Is the answer in this album "Eargasm"?The album sold, too. 8th place first appearance to which Sepp's the tenth presence first appearance place in chart in April goes further on. Mouth. Such . where. Johnny and year of birth are 42 years old if it rubs it at this time from Arkansas in 1934(The person in question seems to be an insistence for 38 years). The belly will not go out. The way of life shall not be different only by it. Gospel is sung in the church at infancy time, it aims at the professional at the age of 15, and going out in Chicago. It joined various groups and the participation board seems to have started in life in around 53. It is debut selling from Cook's label that devotes itself, is taken how to sing yearning to Sam Cook, and joins Seoul Stiararz as Cook's successor by even solo. It earns by the southern part tour as a pretender of Mr. Little Johnny Taylor whom an active name to a simultaneous period looks like and is miserable. Badness goes under while doing so so massaging it at the time of come in succession due to Sam's death the belonging record company and is turned adrift. It is likely to only have cervine to hold out. The story of the contract comes from the prosperous stack sleigh bell and it debuts again in 66 now. The tune "I Had dream" becomes a hit. How to sing oneself was learnt and it frequently appeared from it in the pop chart as a framework of the company. However, again. Can you ..inside.. live by bankruptcy and rival's Al green Mr. and the becoming it one's ..the downward slope and the disco.. coming out financial ..Staccs.. to fail in 75 ..real Seoul.. danger?. in the voice or the debut again and again it, and this selfishness board from the results ability sect of large majors CBS (Colombia) however though it is made to do. Mr. Don Davis takes charge of the challenge and the production staked his survival. It is old friend's from the Staccs age relations, and Otoco of Zon ..rare A.. in the groin lives it is possible to put as for Seoul in the north and the south from Detroit. In the performance, it records, and the song is Seoul right in the middle ultimate weapon total concentration in Dallas, Texas on recording positive in Masslshulz and Detroit. And, "Disco Lady. " of the matter. It is boh Kyi Collins and Barney Worrel both men's P? in the veteran who gathers because of the Detroit recording. The funk leader also. Strong support that puts large rage in inside. Upeupe and the exploding base are Mr. boh Kyi. go in the latter halfThe album is front Seoul where ゥゥ doesn't make a display of one's eccentricity at all including other tunes. The song thought that this is sung, and it doesn't strain oneself, it is not eager, and only sings the height of the desire. The sound doesn't see ahead, there is no ..preparing.. ..the remark.. ..the recollection.., and the north and the south are unrelated. I think that the popular song when saying usual was black was supported to the bean jam ball. One man Taylor match. It is music without relation and it enjoys it without reserve when liking it when not liking it in this. That, that ..reading, "The king lives".. of course the album title, and that meaning. The match of this and the Shimizu stage fall was massaged. That time now even by the ..the state as it is.. Ge minutes at time if it came living hard in the world. It dedicates it to the old-timer power and player Kiyohara of the optimism baseball team.
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