by Yama
SORRY,Mistranslation multi.
*This week's "Perfection and single" is ..two.. ..standing.. .. To tell the truth, it doesn't have the single phonograph record. It is it is possible to wait though the page of the jacket cannot be done in the strapping why. It is made to praise and it gives it.
First of all,
"Love hangover". It is a tune of Diana Ross who all Americans TOP40 came April, 1976. Translation mackerel "Love and hangover". It goes out in this where it doesn't go ..father's face.. ー. "It is an intoxication be known to love. "If it is this. Mr. Freddie fender somewhat ..putting out.. (^0^). After it debuts in Supremes, it is Diana in the star highway in the steadiness. It wore with nature and the singing voice ..dignity and the status feeling.. and it became ..Serevi.. Onna singer. The hight period after it becomes solo is these about 76 years. Former work "Theme of Mahogane". This tune is also perfect. With the ballade like the tornado that expresses dazzling passion as it is. The sound scale is a speaker class with a big Uts-the state as it is stroke pavilion and. Or, it classes it boss Saburo Kitashima of Red and White New Year's Music Special Tori. Having gone out next to the big song : in this. Surprise of everyone. It ripened and the article of the husk breaking. Cai is held from what meeting of the total all parts of the world Sereb appearance during New York empire Hilton Hotel New Ohtani Otori Serevi the hall. Sisters' faces also : to prosperity and the oak. It is not in sisters. It is an air putting and pumps before it appears as for the chest. At that time of Prince Hotel in all one's glory, the feast is a start start of the main show. Diana's Mr. loss to say nothing of star of today. It is performing including tax for 30 million yen each. It appears in Kinkirakin according to the beat of the medium slowness that comes with a jerk. In clothes that adhere square gold and silver Kinkira. While ..winding.. .... saying.
「These kind of things of ♪ rule , ,. It doesn't want you to cure it, and I ..running away... Only it very often sticks to the head, and the favor is you. This is ー ..sweetness.. ..saying.. Matacan. Not wanting awake ー. ..saying.. Matacan of ..sweetness.. ー. ()..wanting end.. ー. want to finish ..ー ()..」
It has disregarded it when singing in .... so much Diana and sideward. How on earth did this to be do?Only one minute will pass. The rhythm rapidly : to up-tempo. Then, large dance group of 150 people that went out of sleeve. You of Asakusa samba Matshanayanagi members of a company Koenji Awa odori. In addition, having sprung up to the center further is Maggie Shiro. The handkerchief is made to be chewed and vertical stripes are made lateral stripes. The second generation Mr. Hikida transfer intrudes into from the left hand while removing and putting up his neck. It became backward , putting. . It turned around. It is a person according to ,. encounterThe make-up was only taken. Naporeonz also crossed while rotating the neck in the box. It .... has fallen on the stage. It puts it out from 2,000 pigeon hips. It is a fade-out as it is. ....Diana.. ー... It is the plot single that becomes it. want to listen to the beginning yearning veryThe disco enter a castle splendidly became No.1 really lightly on five weeks May, too. Was there a tune that 1st place suited like this before?Were you?Forget.