John Oates complete boxを目指せ / John Oates 1972-1978
*ホール&オーツのオーツことジョン・オーツ氏。大ファンです。パンチのホールにコクのオーツ、聴くに最大の幸福は二人が対等に絡み煽るその瞬間だけど、どしても一歩前にはホールさんのお姿。出来うれば出来うれば聴いてみたいです全オーツ。そんなアルバムは今もそして今後も出る可能性は無きに等しく。であれば自力で何とかするしかない。とゆう訳で「John Oates complete box」を目指します。その第一回。時間の許す限りオーツさん発掘。謎のコンビですこのお二人。両者とも抜群の歌唱力。なのに各アルバムは8割方ホールさん主役で。え、そりゃルックスと華やで、との声もよーく承知の上で。それにしてもそれならこれだけ長いキャリアでオーツさんが不満を持ってるって話聞いたことが無し。ソロ・デビューもそっと21世紀になってから。はたしてこれは生来の控え目な性格なのか、はたまたコンビを組んだ時に交わした固い約束なのか、それとも・・実はオーツさんが親分で働けホールって感じなのか。今に至るまで想像してもさっぱしわかりません。まあこれは夫婦のことだから(夫婦なのか)他人にはわからないか。絶妙な凸と凹ってのか一番納得出来るとこかな。ではいざ探検に。試聴リンクは、ボックスがあれば最高なんだけど何とまだ無いんです、で、一番オーツ含有率高し2枚組ベストをば。
whole oatesから
1.South City Soutn Window
2.Thank You For
Abandoned Luncheonetteから4曲。
3. Had I Known You Better Then
4. Las Vegas Turnaround
5. She's Gone
6. I'm Just A Kid (Don't Make Me Feel Like A Man)
War Babiesから
7. Can't Stop the Music
Daryl Hall & John Oatesから3曲
8. Camellia
9. Alone Too Long
10. Soldering
Bigger Than the Both of Us。から3曲。
11. back together again
12. crazy eyes
13. you'll never run
Beauty on a Back Streetからは2曲。
14. the Emptyness
15. Love Hurts
16. the Emptyness
17. i'm just a kid
by Yama
SORRY,Mistranslation multi.
*& Oates's hall John ..Oates.. Oates. It is a big fan. The maximum happiness twines as two people are equal and is Mr. hall's appearance to ..Oates of the flavor.. listening in the hall of the punch at the fueled moment ahead the one step. All Oates who wants to listen to it is possible doing occurrence. Such an album is equal to there is no possibility of going out in now and the future. It can do nothing but manage to do for oneself. It aims at "John Oates complete box" by the translation. The first. It excavates it Oates as long as time permits. The combination of the mystery is this couple who has it. Both and preeminent skill as a singers. Nevertheless, each album : in 80 percent Mr. person hall leading part. Getting it, after it agrees to the voice of looks and Ka well. However, if it is it, Oates hears in the career that only this is long and the possession talk has not heard dissatisfaction. After quietly becoming the 21st century also the solo debut. Is it a hard promise to have exchanged when the accomplishment was a moderate natural character or the combination was united ‥ To tell the truth, is was Oates able to work as a boss and the hall feeling?It doesn't imagine up to now not be nor. Do not others probably understand this because of the married couple (Is it a married couple?)?With convex beyond strange ..can the first which it is concave consent... To Tanken. If there is a box, it is, and the audition link is best of Oates content rate high 2 piece sets that how yet not is though it is the highest.
First of all, from debut work whole oates from Atlantic for 72 years
1.South City Soutn Window
It is ultimate and sober from Oates and the 1st though makes it do (^0^). Arpeggio fork country. Doesn't become absolutely old. It believes even if said even if it pre-records ..this... Eyes are clear and the way to draw close Mr. hall is also wonderful.
2.Thank You For
It is a sober tune even if it continues. Famous piece of music of waltz time. Do you enter best 5 even if ..all career.. running?It is a tune that symbolizes the color of this 1st album.
And, a large great board of 73 years the next day.
Four from Abandoned Luncheonette.
3. Had I Known You Better Then
4. Las Vegas Turnaround
5. She's Gone
6. I'm Just A Kid (Don't Make Me Feel Like A Man)
It is a large activity board of eight Oates of six. Only the tune that indescribable is melancholic. Las Vegas Tarnaraund is two person hall & Oates's ultimate tune. The voice melts into each other. Seeds Gorn is ..saying... A perfect single was made the one here. The Im just A kid is ..the euphoria from Sabi.. .. It seems to melt like light snow and it has melted actually if it touches for a moment.
And, from War Babies of the Mr. Tod Lungren production of 74 years by
the challenger
7. Can't Stop the Music
Only one in Future on the aim of all aspects of the lock color or these boards. Comparatively the first ..that.. .... .It is a usage of a slight nature. Oates seems to keep silent for a long time ..something.. when Tod is made previous. However, the loved album is heard thing having. Work is the bur first before it begs very. IIt is a professional. Do not love music in above all.
It transfers the register RCA through the age of the misfortune in 75 the next day, and the
break is finally done. Three from the "Silver album" and Daryl Hall&John Oates
8. Camellia
9. Alone Too Long
10. Soldering
ゥ・Camellia. It selects it again. to the firstIt is a colorful, wonderful tune suitable for the break with a lively Elton John style piano. The Arorn Tu length is enters the album and flower of one wheel glad that recalls the Ranchonet album. Soldaring is a different work. It is a calypso reggae. Only the tune of.
It is "Ritz album", and Bigger Than the Both of Us to receive the big
success and to put out in 76. 3 ..twining.. tunes.
11. back together again
12. crazy eyes
13. you'll never run
The first again. Moreover, back Tugezar Agan that becomes it in the single it. The 28th first rank placeWell it is slight. This peculiar air apart from the hit result. The color of the album is this color. It is a magnificent tune of Mr./Ms. Higuchi of hall & Oates fan all over the world overjoyed. The second album is an Oates continuously tune. Crazy eyes. This is an Oates song or sings of the swallow. It is a happy moment. Yul Nebar Larne became the cool medicine of a dose in B respect that was too the hall show when Kyocjun was original.
Two from Beauty on a Back Street of 77 years of release in the best
14. the Emptyness
15. Love Hurts
Emptines of Muneca coming ballade. And, it is this and sorrow full marks love Harts. Is the color of the album still represented?Oates ..whether it is boss.. too. The sound of this saxophone is initial RCA age.
Livetime of 78 years the one delimitation was put. It is a live album.
16. the Emptyness
17. i'm just a kid
Two. It is secondarily .... standard. The tune is Emptines of a preeminent appeal and live just A kid. After all, backing band is strong. Is it money as for a newborn Elton John band of setting up it is possible to do?It acquires it by the trading. The breath is suitable and : also by as many as two people without any inhibitions. It comes skilled at live time.
It just became time. Rush into from the upcoming album in a new age and here today. That gets some that will have it only with tape by next time.
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