
Rikki Don't Lose That Number / Steely Dan 1974/6


「リキの電話番号」、スティーリー・ダンです。74年6月8日にTOP40エントリー、最高位4位の大ヒット・ナンバーです。3rdアルバム「さわやか革命」の冒頭を飾るこの力強くしかも不可思議な曲、何たってダンちゃんですから当方リキ不足承知でくらいついて挑戦いたす所存。出て来いショゾーン。まずはイントロ。噂ですと、噂も何も聴けば一発でわかりますが、これはファンキー・ソウル・ジャズの名ピアニスト、ホレス・シルバー氏の「ソング・フォー・マイ・ファーザー」のリフです。さすがジャズ狂のお二人の所産、東海岸の顔ロックの所以なしごなであります。しかしまたチャレンジでもあり。まんまなんで。原曲ですとこのリフにバッパバッパなラッパ隊が一発で覚えられるナイスなテーマを乗っける。さー、ダンさんはどう出るか。あ、その前にそのイントロ前の謎の打楽器連打。カリンバにも木琴にも聴こえるそれ。これでハナから魔界ムード満点になってしまう訳で。何故入れたのか考えると三日は眠れなくなりなおかつまだわかりませんのでそのわかりませんを楽しむ。イントロのベースのリフは2音。コードは何かと調べるとこれがEとゆう説出て来た。うーむ、確かに、そこにある生ギターでロー・コード押さえてみて下さい。6弦のルートと5弦部分でやると・・・おおおリキだ。しかしただのEなのか。これだけではメジャーかマイナーかわからぬ。そこがミソかも。そして歌に突入。コードは下がってDに。いきなし転調か。店長、転調です。えー、当方ジュリアード音楽院どころか練馬歌謡学院にも入学してないしがない文系男子目指したミュージシャンですので理論的にはいささか妖しいですのでそのつもりでフェルプス君。で、Dと来てAと来て、Eと来る。で唖然とする。何の変哲も無い3コード。ほんとかよ。そこにある生でやってごらんな。ほんとです。キメでF#m7で渡し、Aでキメ。そしてサビはEに。ここが絶妙。イントロのシルバーさんの曲の空気を残しつつ、リキのメロディに転じてるとゆう荒業を。EからGに、「Send it off in a letter to your self」のとこはA,G,D。2回目の「♪Rikki don't lose〜」はC、そしてEm。てことは店長、また転調ですか。C,D,Aでキメて、Eのイントロに再び戻ると。コードはなーんも謎が無い、しかし組み合わせが・・まるで理解できん。少なくともこんなんでわたしゃ曲作る発想無し。どうゆう育ち方したんだかこの二人は。してイントロで空気だけはのぞかし、サビになって全開になるリズム 。8ビートは確かだけど元が元だけに、ジャズつうたら4ビートだげんに、しかし元曲もラテンにシフトしてる。そのリズムは・・・・ずーっと悩みに悩んでました。デビュー・ヒットの「ドゥ・イット・アゲイン」にも共通するこのリズム。どうもチャ・チャ・チャかと想像。


あの「おもちゃのチャチャチャ」のやつ。キューバ発生とゆうギロでギー・ギロ、ギー・ギロがキモだっつうそれで、現在に至るまで常にダンさんの8ビートにこびりついてる感覚だと思います。なんでかつうてもそれは郊外のニュー・ヨーカー。身近なところでNYの印象はラテン移民のリズム・シティ、ジャズと込みで体に染み付いたのでしょうか。ラテンに行って8ビートに近づいたジャズとそもそも8ビートのロック、そしてどこか都会のカウボーイのカントリー、こんなん混ぜた音楽はもちろん初出だ。で、コードは明快、ピアノはメロディとユニゾン部分多し。力強く。終盤寸前の展開ではAmaj7、G#m7、Amaj7、C#7、F#m7、Aと一挙にシティ突入、イントロの謎のカリンバ絡まり、「♪Rikki don't lose that number, Rikki don't lose that number ...」と嘆息して終了。こちらも嘆息。あまりに見事で。歌詞は・・・何を歌っているのか。
力強くも女々しい、これぞ男の中の男の曲です(泣き笑い)。リキは街の友人、長州小力か。その友人が二人をつなぎとめる最後の綱か。もしくは、・・・もしくは、「Rikki Don't Lose That Number」。リキが三人称であれば「Don't」じゃなくて「Doesn't」になる。とゆうことはリキは「君」のことか・・・・。直接話しかけてる。では何故「you」じゃないのか。愛称で呼ぶことでつながりの深さを・・・。んーーーー。






*This "Perfection and single"
"Telephone number of Rikki" It is STEELY DAN. It is a smash hit in the TOP40 entry and the fourth first rank place and numbers June 8,'74. Opinion challenged by Riki shortage agreement of me because it is this powerful, mysterious tune that decorates opening of 3rd album "Fresh revolution", and it is Dan anyhow. Shozorn ..going out... Introduction first of all. This is a riff of "Song For my father" of the accomplished pianist and Mr. Horace silver of the funky Seoul jazz though listen to any rumor when it is a rumor and understood by one. There is a pat of the reason none of the face lock of jazz buff's couple's product and the east coast though it is made to do. However, it is the re-challenge. The state as it is. The corps of ..Bappabappa.. trumpet in this riff when it is an original tune gives a ride to the remembered nice theme by one. Do it do and very do ー and Dan go out?It encounters and the percussion instrument of the mystery before the introduction is hit repeatedly before that ,. Carimba and the xylophone are ..listening... In the reason that becomes field mood full marks from Hana by this. It enjoys the ..understanding.. because it has not understood yet ..cannot sleep.. on the third when thinking why it put it. Riffs of the base of the introduction are two sounds. This came and ..putting out.. ..E theory.. came when the code was variously examined. Please suppress a low code there with a certain life guitar ー certain ..floatage.. ..peel.. ,. When doing in the route and five bowstring part of six bowstrings ・・・ It is Riki. However, is it free E?Whether it is major or a minor it is possible to hold this is not understood. Is the miso there or .. And, it rushes into the song. The code falls and it to D. Is it a transposition of none living?It is a manager, and the transposition. Food..Julliard..Academy of Music..far from..Nerima..songs..school..enter a school..poor..liberal arts course..boy..finger..musician..theoretical..a little..do..provide..do..the..Phelps..Herr.It comes with E ..A.. coming coming with and D. It ..agape.. makes it. Three codes without Cawatets either. Is it true?It is life there and . ..not doing... It is true. It passes it with F#m7 in Kime, and it is A and Kime. And, Sabi : to E. Here is exquisiteness. The change roughness industry to the melody of Riki leaving the air of the tune of Mr. silver of the introduction. It is A, G, and D of "Send it off in a letter to your self" in G from E. "♪Rikki don't lose?" of the second times is C and Em. Is the lever ..manager.. transposition?When it returns to Kime and the introduction to E again by C, D, and A. There are neither code ー nor a mystery and the combination ‥ . that cannot be at all understood. There is no conception that doesn't come at least that makes tune of me why. Doing or these two people : ..the growth of... Rhythm that is done, becomes and Sabi of air by introduction, and opened completely. As for eight beats, the origin shifts certainly and four jazz beat and a former tune shift to Latin only in the origin, too. The rhythm is not ・・・・ and ..worry about the worry.. .. Common this rhythm to "Du it Agan" of debut hit. Thank you Cha Cha Cha or the imagination. Guy of that "Toy cha-cha". I think that it is a Cuba generation guiro, the ghee guiro and the ghee guiro are Kimo, and the sense that is always sticking to eight beats of Dan and now. It is New Yorker in suburbs it is possible to shoot why. Was the impression of NY ingrained in the body in Latin immigrant's rhythm city, jazz, and crowding in a familiar point?It goes to Latin and first ..putting out.. in eight beats jazzing by approaching and to begin with to say nothing of the country of the cowboy in the lock of eight beats and the city somewhere and the music that doesn't come that what mixes. The code is lucid, and the piano is melody and unison partial multi. It is powerful. It sighs and it ends with "♪Rikki don't lose that number,Rikki don't lose that number..." all at once ..Amaj7, G#m7, Amaj7, C#7, F#m7, and A.. in the development immediately before the last stage the Carimba getting twisted of the mystery of the city rushing into and the introduction. Here also sighs. Too much in the looking thing.

Lyrics ・・・ What do you sing?
♪ Herr ..".. heard that it left. It might be also good. Though it thought for a moment when I can become wild in the future. Did you fear it?It ran turning around. However, Riki ..".. doesn't lose the telephone number if it betrayed it. You do not want to put it on anyone any longer. Riki doesn't lose the telephone number by own asking a confirmation. Only the fact is yours. There is a friend in the town in me though it might be thought it was perhaps at the return good for the house in it .."... He heard your name. We manage to drive the slow hand street. Whether it keeps playing a game is not understood. If you were betrayed, Riki ..".. doesn't lose the telephone number. You do not want to put it on anyone any longer. Riki doesn't lose the telephone number by own asking a confirmation. Only the fact is yours. There is at all no understanding of my feelings though it might be thought it was perhaps at the return good for the house in it ..".. ..it.. though said by Herr that it doesn't suit me. You are surely betrayed.
Riki ..".. doesn't lose the telephone number. You do not want to put it on anyone any longer. Riki doesn't lose the telephone number by own asking a confirmation. Only the fact is yours. Riki ..".. doesn't lose the telephone number though it might be thought it was perhaps at the return good for the house in it. Riki doesn't lose the telephone number. Riki doesn't lose the telephone number. ・・・

It is effeminate ..powerful.., and this man among men's tune (smile through one's tears its). Is Riki a friend, and Choshu small power of the town?Is it the last rope by which the friend ties two people?But hold on however, it notices suddenly here. Is not it in "DON'T" because it is a third person and does not exist in "DOESN'T" if Riki is a friend?Does Riki say the other party "You" to be disappointed in love to with rickey?Or, is rickey a song thought over when consulting by the woman friend Choshu small Tsutomu child?..peel.. . of ..floatage.. ーHow do you seem?
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