
Mustard / Roy Wood 1975/11









SORRY,Mistranslation multi.

*This year approaches with at the yuletide, too. It suffered from the heat and Nats were driven before this of ..shining.. ー. It is and and a Japanese board of 90 years when it is thought that it flows like the time angry waves and retrieves uselessly recently ..not becoming.. in the amateur zone. 2nd album "Mustard" : for 75 years of sergeant Sanders Roy wood who sings of what. Is a new possible obtaining does write and true?15 years of 90 years ago. The nature such as these and recent does. After all, is time angry waves?
It is this mustard that the 30th anniversary board is not more mysterious than after going out. It is a large great board in the last happy age of a rare pop maestro. My home is a life board. This in every respect strange first half of uncle and 70'S was a big star in a British own country. The wizard, it solos about the formation after it secedes of ELO, and it becomes a hit entirely starting with the move. It is not happy at all because it is a point ..so.. either. do the music that it never matched at the people but I the with one's own way want to doThe only single hits existed almost and did not sell in the United States as for the unhappy oppositely one. And, the maximum hit is "Every day is Christmas. "The age ..following.. roughly leaks to the selfishness that might be again in ..becoming it.. ..wonder.. favor that is Kyoc coming out of the best album at the end of the year and selling of it C squirrel mass song of Christmas any further. In the original album, large major single that flows still super contrarily becomes love Bts of maniac people in a maniac standpoint and is .. It becomes these kind of things why and .. .It is too difficult to understand. Think ..you... It becomes papa about foolish Bonn. Isn't if the single is wonder, the album wonder?. It should be super-wonder. Last..single hit..straw..first rank..big..start..already..state..at once..listen..needle..fly..listen..panic..development
..boogie-woogie..bugle..girls..appear..age..go back..then..start..what kind of..old times..safe.It already loves. Love is loved to want to be squared about 1500 times. 「It is ♪ here. Now since it wines with you. It understands or it is, and is Ok. It understands. There was no what understood so clearly. It slips down from your hand. My time few left. It passed up a chance too much too much. It is safe in any old times. 」。It is a love song to the pop song where it disappears a lot. It is safe in any old times when it ..aspect.. has it. Wonderful music is important because it is limited at the life. Think that I am encouraged so extraordinarily something, and when it is an assistance song of the highest youth. The arm is shaken no matter how it listens and the Matinacadai march. Bravo. The following are "Rain pours down over all things" tunes when it is overjoyed. Large ballade of 3000m in diameter. ..peel.. . of ..floatage.. ーOnly this route : though it is a big fan. It embarrasses and the bowl bowl. Always fly, and I'm sorry the confession. To Radio Days again smoothing one's feathers. The boogie-woogie bugle girls are to backing as for red Zeppelin. Boogie-woogie Mets Bgii. Well, is overjoyed. To doing and great. It is Roy who was covered of all masks. Because it was Mage ZEP fan. Development 6 of scene ....ー.. explosion.. . "Why does such a lovely girl sing the sad song?"In beach boys love love of Ohaco. Magical at the time of which it is at a loss for words. Now with OK and Brian that it wants you to co-star by all means. No dream at the 21st end of the century. And, the following "Song" is a large ballade again. Do you fly?Wait a second. Let's accumulate quietly for the following. Coming of spring and 8. "Watch with eyes of Obaca. "Super-POP without the compromise please come in. 「♪ she is not she of me, has returned, and it has become me. ..coming... apply eyes foolish when you are seen I」。It is very painful. Peel..beach..boys..bagpipe..unite..get rough..industry..Inn..strike..continue..peel..Big..love.A huge Bonzo drum is Roy who put up the mask. Bortora, and last is single "Rock'n'roll winter" of the wizard in the sixth first rank place in April, '74 and 〆. In opening of the Jake on the inside wide, this Roy who is gladly doing the pose when I played all musical instruments. It is Tompati and a serious music fool. It is not mysterious but if it is usual, is existence any unions of the music that doesn't try to be done together in this uncle. It is obstructed by nobody and this tension because it did. Vigour and the motivation will dig up the talent fast. It shouts though no do be known of uselessness in wanting the very end assistance to stand up again either. Roy wood Mr. and you are the highest musicians.
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