
Lowdown / It's Over /Boz Scaggs 1976/8






by Yama
SORRY,Mistranslation multi.

*It is become a hit a number of Boz Scaggs in 1976"..lowdown &it's over" ..today's "Meeting to praise a perfect single"... I cut it from album "Silk Digrez" that does the break by both tunes and these. The first hit was "..Itts.. over", and the 38th first rank place. The start of the wall breaking is the one having done always quietly. The tune and is such a thing of possession none ..wonderful.. so to speak. It is a famous piece of music that doesn't have other tunes and any inferiorities in the album. Song of close of love that starts by introduction to piano & drum of Philadelphia and Seoul manners. Boz who pulls in with a jerk by running base and sings painfully. As for Owa ♪, the content is light though doesn't know whether to notice though it has already ended by what though writhes. It is already this melody, and the best. Straighten externals where the chorus and the conversation ..preparing.. negotiate on by development with a jerk and exactly ..dropped externals and the ..go round for voting.. first return composition at the end after all.. ..lyrics... If this did not become a hit oppositely having already massaged it ..too perfect.., it sees, and "..Itts.. over" is splendid very probably . as the total concentration of the Boz music till then first ..appearance and the name of a song.. ..... It is perfect also in the announcement. This hit is May. Killer number of principals "Down of the row/truth" is very coming again. be released the promotion to some degree at an advanced stage in AugustIt is newborn this time Boz. It is and manners of ..Sabi.. hit are the adventure tunes that come off. a so-called songHowever, confidence is full marks. The song stickily twines round ..riff.. backing though it is imagined that it was made getting a hint from Marbin gay's "Eye want Yu". Kimo is the riff. Impact that remembers everyone by one. The chopper is effective. It seem to be really as dropped and beat and funk and no one has listened. It listens and first Can of Satoru is even essential. Really LA air is in the whole. The tempo : by walking fast. It is two people that walk. It expresses it right and left with the double drum. Does the person in the right feel that he or she adheres only high hat cymbals and does?The phrase of the flute : Ukiukied externals. It is in the downtown to walk. Lonely strings are the light of neon. No night. It distorts to the distortion, and the guitar solo is done the picking and ..Nobi.. expands while applying Ebou. The Robert flip doctor is playing it ‥ It is not in the translation (^0^). Something a transient appearance though it is happy. It understands here only because of the sound. When you see lyrics if it is it ・・・「♪ baby rushes into the crowd dancing for joy. If the street doesn't talk your battlefield and loud voice. It is said to her that I will buy that and this. Ah how much on earth will be used?If not deeply impressed when it gives up completely no matter what it happens. It is still better to persuade the chicken though it resists. It is a sad this, and sad, the truth, and embarrassed truth. (What externals are what and I it is ..floatage.. ー, what?)」。It is, and, after all, a song of shopping. Moreover, fear enters considerably. LA is saying image. There must be a person who is experiencing, too experience really, and in the aspect if it is an American. It has already become a hit when the anxiety is fueled in the tune of this new form and it absorbs it by understanding and one riff including the entire spectacle ..the ear octopus and getting tired... How though thought that it is perfect and a single in every sense?Oneself must investigate lyrics after this by all means when there is an interest. Well, do it become sadder or do it come to change radically happy?
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