
Classic Singles 88-93 / Soul II Soul 1998







by Yama
SORRY,Mistranslation multi.

*I think of at the Kon bygone of futuristic Kon. Time when you approach in 90's since 80's. Whether it is a bosom is done, it says, and now is wrinkling too near old just in season in feeling (^0^). What did you do in those days?Is it nirvana if it listened to the lock?Is never mind 91 years?And what there by you ahead of that?It has a still transient dream, and I band act and am . of. The band till then : ..even.. month 1 of externals elegant simplicity Ra eve for the unit of a collapse and two splendid married couples even if it says. It is music ..this.. ..now.. again what you did. It was going to do because they were two people or there was no hoop and the craziness before to a so-called driving, and the machine parts cheapness fast, too may went out. Synchronous Idle is put in four track cassette, the sequencer and the sampler are moved, and it drops to DAT. Machine pickle. The amateur has in the amateur naturally by the professional with its high machine, works diligently to a similar thing, and is in the other side of the sea. Drop of age of Tecnobicobico even if it is said that driving by one step, and your scheme of the following our what shall being to be done. Going out there is a ground beat. New Jack swing at the same time. It was a reggae field and Srenten had the boom ahead of that. Guy from whom jig jig spa tonic snarfes and was received in nice with each music magazine magazine popular by splendor 0 points and 30 points. His black Mr. ground To was able to misunderstand the rhythm that the Casio tone of Casio enters the compact keyboard and to have done it. And, the go go of Washintorn : footlights in the United States and the Seoul boundary. Hip hop and the lap are received and human strength is festival music this time again in now done by an adult number. The feature is a rhythm it is. A just ..becoming it.. beat is already getting tired. "Swing" effect button has adhered when the two are undertaken, and a rhythm box on hand is seen. When % is driven by the numerical value, the guy who goes out. Hey, and Janet Jackson is clothes of great breadth of one's shoulders and and the tune are those that are the new Jack swing doing to a Caccac large crane effective of ..desire.. switching off even in case of being as for and it ..interest... Are a new rhythm, the ground beat, and the representative band that makes the best use of the yesterday by the birth in Britain besides it and came into existence these Seoul?It is Seoul. Adrian Sherwood's British be doubled connects ..arrival.. to pass the new waving age when the maximum exploded there and to arrive ..this time.. ..opposite.. thoroughly coolly musical of Bristol toward approaching direction and there and having is connected with talent in new UK Seoul by a hip-hop generation ..the retreat.. bewilderingly also in London. With ー sedge ..boiling.. food ..association... There is no ..new.. ..it.. though it is because there are a possibility and a dream. When listening thus now ・・・ It did too and it burnt. Representative tune and "Kepon Muvin" &"Getting A life". Let's be wonderful, and concentrate reggae or neither Fire Seoul nor a delicious point about the tune. It is last point and .. ♪ and above all ground beat. This is a drug. There is a first cousin of the oak Hage, too. Because the state as it is snarfing has been done. Bonzo's drum sound is sampled, it makes to this rhythm, it is worth, and worth. . Feature having too passes, was one material before, .... carries everything before one the scene, and has left ..and... ..moment.. air too is filled, and it to the world of the sound of returning man though your facing (this Bicobico rehabilitation) and I also became a priest the next beep houses recently there ..absolutely good still new... It seems to eat a past, good-looking beat messily ..Mr. record shop.. ..only club one.. this time if noticing it. If it says to be good in total and to show good-looking, it keeps easily using it, and then, it is it and a committee though there is unlimitedly an already good-looking material. Do not it become empty?The ground beat of Dai 2 it is possible to invent if you do. Are not you in the desire even if disappearing at once?Though it says to me. Ah it is which tomorrow of music. ..person.. after all,

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