Sparks / A Woofer in Tweeter's Clothing / Sparks 1971/1972
Sparks / A Woofer in Tweeter's Clothing
by Yama
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*A further eyeball and that of the Beazbil relapse by this Wounded label are 1st, and 2nd of Sparks. Because 2in1CD with the Castle of 99 years is already an obtaining difficulty. Please go in the Spaacs fan at any rate even a little. No do be known whether it is an abolition board in either. It is a mail brother of the struggle in an American home country before "Kimono my house" that break album. Two people (beauty charge Russell and interesting charge Ron) seemed to have been American young person (Is it true?) who had drawn in the LA coming from and the picture, and when attending school UCLA, the half Nelson band was formed. I think that it ..gathering.. massaged the member in this often. There is no reason of which it takes notice even if the demonstration ..time.. is put out to the recording label already floating rolling up where when curving in the singer-songwriter and the coast of ..country lock.. Nishi. However, a man who had shown interest pursud only one person. Mr. Tod Lungren of the continental other side and Woodstock Beazbil label. It is that cannot be at all thought, and because youth is a recommendation of Tod of the chief of the production section of remark food how many, coldly . that the staff of this label of the person skin music welcomed it that cannot be done. Congratulations. It is a debut. Tod to say nothing of produce. It is "Wonder girl" that becomes the chance of the break in Britain back and beginning of event. ..Fanny as the country is sung.. Kyoc. get on vaulting horse movement belt device for triangular weight reductionAnyway, only selling and start Houdai with Tod and the brother. Having agreed the hobby of two American mutants likes musicals. It encompassed it with being possible skin to do of Anco of Beatles to which Tod was dying to do it. It is which Beatles and white album. It is a success. It ..POP.. ..attractive.. opens completely in Fanny it and cuteness. "My home of the kimono" of food and Sparks at any rate It listens imaging about that transcendence album expecting it when going by being O because of being already powerful that natural. I was also so, and it did not put it then ..sober feeling strong.. for a while. The image can be wiped out finally in recent, and it is already interesting then. Fit in, and the more it listens, the more. "High C" and "No moa Mr. nice Gai" ..there will be a killer tune, too.. Jesus and this are Sparks. If it is a person of favorite 10cc, the one to bend backward is fired in rapid succession. If it is Tod's album, it is "Tod that came from the future. "However, it is a terrible band. It is country also in the United States that gave birth to the velvet underground, Doors, STEELY DAN, Devo, and Regedents. Strength is outrageous of the aberrant type who dashes out. Natsfca
It doesn't sell at all ..food.. as a matter of course, and when the album cover tries to be changed and to be put out by them, the staff of Beazbil : ..the advice of the band name changing into "Sparks"... Is there Mei front of the name that "Half Nelson" is wonderful of "Sparks" and the pursud wonder that shows the body like this?The situation can be in fact said, and it backs up ..everyone.. and it exists wanting start in life this band ..not rare A.. by some means. Then, it thinks, it reaches, and it begins to ignite it in Europe. 2nd album of such production. 1 ..Tod..st has kept pure-white or it has gotten tired or (^0^) and fight were done or it doesn't participate in \ (^o^)/production, and engineer's Mr. Shad Jeimus row : in ..produce.. serving concurrently. Then, naked Sparks went out to leave loose probably. It is music zeal to stopping that doesn't stop though there is no difference in wanting sell when curving. No one is stopped. The twist condition advances though the lock color increased, too. Many during Matata Regedents. The highlight is "Do-Re-Mi. "That Do is Do of the doughnut. It often did. I am too glad and it sings together. Like "Hia Camuz Bob", and already. "Moon in Kentucky" also ..Twin Peaks.. : too much.
It advances on Britain in full scale with the canned food album without this welcome bottom can. The age in the gram while not changing by the steer with strong talented producer and Mr. muff Uin'ud and to a large break in Mr. "Kimono" of the dashing album of the batch agreement with ..becoming it.. ー
It doesn't become weak now and a little and it is acting. Sparks thoroughly from first to last. It doesn't become quite old. It is a terrible party. I want to run while doing the shout when the town mesne.
Live at the Rainbow 1973: The Complete Concert / Sweet 1973/12/21
Live at the Rainbow 1973: The Complete Concert
1973年は英POP界にとって重要な年。グラムの花が百花繚乱、出て来る曲、曲みんなどっかん。売れてる曲も売れてない曲もみんな時と共に生き生きして。スイートも運命共同体のソングライター・チーム「チャップマン=チン」も72年9月の「Wig-Wam Bam」でグラム本格入道、73年はブロックバスターが1月に1位、5月ヘルレイザーが2位、9月ボールルーム・ブリッツが同じく2位、そしてこのライブが行われたクリスマス時は丁度トドメの名曲ティーネージ・ランページが発売される時点って、文字通り絶頂期だ。スイートにとってもグラムにとっても。その時間が臭いと共に丸ごと入ってる。録音はあえて書くぞな、最高です。ロックのライブは綺麗に録る以前にロックな録音でなければならぬ。さすが歴戦の強者BBCスタッフ、あのコンサートを見に行って感じるキシキシしたPAの音、体に感じるドラム圧、ケツがびりびりベースの音、ハウる寸前ギターの音を臨界点でキャッチだ。またキャッチさせざるを得ないほどバンドのテンション凄いよ。元々腕は達者な上に人気、意欲の後押しがあればもう無敵です。ナイスなる音楽人を認めることにかけてはお世辞抜きとことん誠実な人、ピート・タウンゼント氏が絶賛もこれ聴いちゃ思わず大納得。嬉しいのはこの時期ならでは、グラム以前のPOP期の名曲リトル・ウイリーがグラム・ヴァージョンで聴ける!始まりのストリップ・ミュージックでもうわくわく。あのきんらきんら格好のままでのアコースティック・セットも有りの、
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*It wants to listen to forming again live CD of the sale for 89 years and, ..a little complex way to be pleased.. then, to listen to live of the glory period. When settling down in case of not being and looking for another times ゥ・ It was. Are not you it is?I who doesn't notice it either am foolish. BBC live of sale in 1999. For 21 days December, 1973 in the London Rembou theater. It came early unexpectedly ..holding at the going after order and the New Year.. when finding it as the fight way already ..Amazon.. ran to the shop in the U.S. continent that not was and treated. It is after a long time ..the excitement.. such until listening. .... ゥゥ when listening Being possible to come ..crowding.. , :. It is a document. The rut is . that not is. It is feeling of fear of BBC again strongly.
1973 year is an important year for Britain POP field. 100 Hanahanaran, and the flower of the gram somewhere the tune and all tunes. come outAll tunes that the selling tune doesn't sell either are vivid at time. "Wig-Wam Bam" in September, '72, and the blockbuster is January and the point put on the market is hight literally period at held Christmas for gram real lay priest and 73 years. the famous piece of music Tenage orchis page of Todome just live of 2nd place and this similarly 2nd place and the ball room blitz in September 1st place and the Hellraiser in May sweet and songwriter team "Chapman = Chin" of the community held together by fateFor ..sweet.. gram. That time in enters wholly with the smell. It is the .... highest. dare to write the recordingIf it is not ..lock.. recording, it doesn't become before as live of the lock is beautiful. It is a sound of Kishikishied PA felt because it goes to see the strong man BBC staff and that concert of Icsa, the drum pressure and Kets felt in the body are the "biribiri" sounds of the base, and obtaining of the sound of the guitar with a critical point immediately before of Hau. It is being able to do nothing but being to obtain it moreover ..band.. ..tension.. terrible. If popularity and the desire are backed up up, the arm is already skillful originally invincibility. Large of Omo ..listening to this.. consent of pulling out compliment and sincere and honest and the very end Pete Taunzent music person of nice who becomes it is admitted of highest praise. It is possible to listen to the famous piece of music Little wheelie of POP period before the gram to the one glad by gram version when it is this time. It has already gotten excited by the striptease music of the start. It has already devised when curving and the lock : "Man who has the arm of gold" of rolling up to promised rock'n'roll medley there is an acoustic set like the shape, too about the drum solo Future length scale when living is the best of concert standard progress in the age that is the lock. Even if live of sweet exceeds the meaning, this is a no potato of substitution. There is Tsccomi place that can be pleased with each place each place in detail, too. I do not want to take the material to pieces. Please listen by all means of not all doing and thrust it. The enjoyment by all means in the case of obtaining because a pamphlet at that time doesn't put this to publish on CD inner either.
Then, BBC. It is (^0^) and there works for demonstrating having used that it is by not going in the standpoint. splendidly become itHaving captured this time. Other treasure having counted like not cutting. It considerably has the sound of the band that missed putting out a live board by various circumstances. Sparks. Will it be the one that cannot continuously be put out in shape that manages to be tidy?There is a sigh applying though the fragment sound source that exists starting with this is arranged. When now comes, it exceeds and human race's Mage World Heritage of the copyright commenting.
Live at the Marquee / Sweet 1989
Live at the Marquee
SORRY,Mistranslation multi.
*CD there is a band that patronizes it, and without seeing in Mr. record shop is discovered, and the bought translation though it is scary. Is there what experiences like "You" whether Dare by you if it returns to and the house and it listens?It has encountered. The retreat is stingy poor & hardly in what of Tstsshi comes in succession, doesn't do the confirmation, and buys CD. But..Slade..sweet..shop..check..shelf.It buys it because it writhes when missing it hesitatingly. It is, "Action" and the chorus are that angel's singing voices in "Who?" . and the tune when it listens, and . Vorcal is different. "Live At Za Marquee. " of sweet in 1989. It seems to be live ..the re-formation... Isn't it will done this by you or a hoop that the state of the band ..70's of advance of the crushing force.. becomes not fragrant by all means, too, if neither flow of ..fear.. Toki nor the hit goes out?Lead Singer and Mr. Brian Conore secede in 79. To the predicament all at once. It is exhausted in 82 years though it is sticky by the member of the remainder. But hold on, and Na however, and the power of the coming gold tune is immortal, and when the done best board goes out to the medley tailoring the famous piece of music of selfishness in 85, this is a smash hit. Boiling, and Micc Tucker of the drum is invited and Andy Scott of the guitar has started sweet in 86 though it only has to have become it is ー making to the chance and the re-formation, and the re-start of Mr. Conore in Mr. Conore in 85 by dependence of new sweet this start. Do you fight about originator:head of the house?Because it is too man, they are up to various though it thinks of everyone when doing together easily giving a clear-cut attitude when it is only business is the best. And live of this are when having paid it as for the pattern of the performance by shop of old standing club "Marquee" of the live tour at that time of Andy sweet and Britain. The lead vocal of the problem is Mr. Paul Mario day that exists in the moa heavy metal band. A man who groans like David Coverdale, and shouts like Mr. Ian Giran. To tell the truth, I do not think that do the be known of suitable possibly highest talent for sweet to which the Murasakitotono hard rock was dying to be done in selfishness that is the purple family either. It is actually performance. Is the performance power that the tune originally tune of blank what to rush like the ogre with the paper folding?Naturally, there is no lovely initial POP tune. (^0^) though it was interesting though did. Hevi hard & sweet and support with scream of "ー?". Because any reason is this fine performance. Support. The sound that this active tone quality and this are live is large good lucks. ..burning... "Fox on Za orchis" that went out. ..boiling.. ー. Ripraiz of "Love is oxygen" of last. Lock artist show throat spirit Mi worth. Even if I say very much, Mitokomon is Mr. Higashino. However, the member who supports it back even if changing into Mr./Ms. Nishimura is immovable. If it is the yell full marks hard, it sees. Well, the problem is 12. The following. ・・・・ This was embarrassed though the new recording by this member was four. I also feel the scenario become a video the film and changed. "You Dare?" seriously : to feelings here. Though this sound only has to be accepted in new feelings. I have been embarrassed. It is very lonely. However, 11. Great board. Decision. 。
Let's Stick Together / Bryan Ferry 1976/9
*76年のブライアン・フェリー氏、ソロ作3作目です。アルバム未収録のシングル両面曲と同年7月リリースのEP「Extended Play」を合体させた編集鬼っ子恥掻きっ子アルバム。延長戦の延長戦つうことで。評論家先生たちの格好の餌食となりやれ元の方がいいだの中途半端だの。ま、書きやすいから書きやがった。フェリー氏の魅力とは何か。それは嫌いな人が嫌ってるとこです。このジャケに出てます。月亭可朝みたいなお髭。変装紳士、インチキ臭。でくねくね気持ち悪。最初から見たとたん好きって方はあまりおらんかと。ところがどっこい自分でも知らんうちにそれが好きになっているんです。格好良いとは依然思わんけど。いや格好いいのか。かっこ悪いって何てかっこいいんだろう感(^0^)。そのかっこ悪いアルバムなんでフェリーさんの魅力の到達点です。ハナはこれで始まるレッツ・スティック・トゥゲザー。イギリスで同年6月にチャート駆け上がった完璧なシングルだ。オリジナルはウイルバート・ハリソン氏69年作。このブラックおっさんも髭兄弟。インチキっぽい顔してまして。そちらはヘロヘロの脱力ハイパー・ブギー。これを最初にカバーしたのが脱力ブギーの神様、米国のキャンド・ヒート。それがどうしたことかパワフル・ヴァージョンに変身させて英国でもヒット。で、フェリーさん、私だって脱力の神様、両方のええとこいただいてオーラびんびんにしてしまったぞ。肝はやっぱりオハコずんどこ。それに欠かせぬスペシアル・ドラマー、ポール・トンプソン氏炸裂。ダブル・ドラム仕様で、2回叩いて貰ったのかな。これがミソ、もうえらいドカスカだんだか超低重心になった。さらに低重心ならお任せやでのジョン・ウエットン氏のベースで腰から下はびんびん。それに乗っかって無常な集団ラッパ隊。フェリーさんもうロキシーの音が大好きで大好きで、延長戦拡張プレイですから、マッケイさんの吹くみたいにさらに拡大して。ちなみにギターのクリスさんにもマンザ氏ぽく弾いて貰って、つうかそうせざるを得ないわな。要は本隊で付き合ってくれないからソロでしかたがなく。ってこたあ無いか。アナザー・タイムな魅力満載。曲自体は普通のブルース・メロディなのを何だこりゃのグラマラス展開にしちまうのがこの方のマジックだぞ。ここで入道出来ましたらもうぞっこんOK。私、まほさんと一緒にこれやったことあり。ラッパのとこをスライドでやりました。デビッド・リンドレイさんみたいにやろうとして。出来はともかく楽しかったなあ。そして2.カサノヴァ。ずんどこロキシーの代表作今再び。スピード落としてもっと気持ち悪くしてくれた。ぬめぬめヘビの濡れたとこのように。きゃあ気持ち悪くて素敵。3.シー・ブリージズ。これも1stけつから2曲目の再演。変わって無いぞと申す無かれ。拡張プレイですこの時はこの時。髭剃り後にこれを。4.シェイム・シェイム・シェイム。この盤のメインテーマ、ずんどこブギ2弾目。ジミー・リード氏の曲のカバー。そうですこりゃセサミ・ストリート。突進力を存分に。うにゃうにゃ鳴ってるリズム・ギターがボーガス・マンだ。ファンのけぞる。EP「延長戦」に収録。5.「2HB」は自分のテーマ・ソングですから。何回でもやりたい。やってればハンフリー・ボガードさんになれるかも。6.「プライス・オブ・ラブ」もEP収録曲。ずんどこブギ第3弾。オリジナルはエバリー・ブラザース。元曲が爽やかかっつうとこれがけっこう同じくどんどこどん。もっとフラメンコかも。我が意を得たりのカバーだな。さらに悪ノリして手拍子とかカスタネットとかいやもう楽しいぞ。この技は後にマニフェストで再び。これまた突進パワー爆発の大重要ナンバーです。7.「チャンス・ミーティング」。再びロクシー再演。大好き。何故か1stの再演ばっか。何故だかは言わない(^0^)。何か悶々としてたのでしょう。悪ガキいたから。8.イッツ・オンリー・ラブ。ビートルズだ。さすがレノン=マッカートニー。匂い濃厚にへばりついてます。匂い対臭いの対決壮絶。EPに収録。何故これをやったかとゆうとあの顔が出来るから「♪イッツ・オンリー・ラーブ」のところで。8.「ユー・ゴー・トゥ・マイ・ヘッド」は75年7月のシングル。最高位33位と初の低迷で。これはチャレンジの解決しないメロディのジャズ・スタンダード曲カバー。機会が有りましたらチェット・ベイカー、デイブ・ブルーベック氏のヴァージョンを聴いて貰わば。その雰囲気の違いに唖然。どうしてこうなるのか俺が訊きたい。フェリー世界の再奥かも。10.もまたロキシー1st再演、正にリメイク・リモデル。グフタフスンさんぶりぶりベース。うにゃうにゃマンザさんギターで本当のリモデル。太陽にほえろ調に変身だ。ラスト「ハート・オン・マイ・スリーブ」は珍しや、同時代の人のカバー。ちょうどブレークしてたギャラガー&ライル作。まんま。よっぽど好きだったらしく。オリジナルはそりゃもう爽やかで。それを蛇が歌います。やっぱ妙に爽やか。ギターのスベディングさんに無理言ってリズム・ボックス持って来て貰ったそうで。そのクリスさんどうも乗れずギターの出来に不満足、他の人のを使ってもいいよと言い残し去る。誰もやってくれないのでそのテイクでOK。文句言いたそうな演奏が素敵。EPに収録。そのEP自体は最高位7位まで上がりました。思ったより人気有りますこのおじさん。アルバムは最高位19位。ガミってるからしょうがないな。
by Yama
SORRY,Mistranslation multi.
*It is Bryan Ferry, and solo work 3 work eyes of 76 years. Edit demon Cohage Ca Co album that united two sided of single tune of album uncollection to EP"Extended Play" of release in July of the same year. Extra innings of extra innings. Odd road of food and Mot critic teachers' shape better. Because it reels and , writes easily, writing. What is the charm of Mr. ferry?In it, the hated person is dislike. It goes out to this Jake. Beard like Tskitaca morning. Disguise gentleman and fraudulent smell. Winding feelings badness of. Does not the favor have the so much person as soon as having seen from the beginning?But hold on however, I like it even as for Ge before it knows. Though it doesn't think of shape good still. Unpleasant and shape. Feeling (^0^) that might be good-looking ..clumsiness.. .... how. It is the clumsy attainment point of the album of the charm of Mr. ferry why. Hana is Let's stick Tugezar that starts by this. It is a chart running in Britain in June of the same year. It is perfectly a single that goes up. The original is a work during 69 Mr. Uilbart Harrison year. This black fellow is a beard brother. ..face.. much more like fraudThat is escape power hyper Bge of Herohero. It is a god of escape power Bge, and a canned heat of the United States to have covered this first. It transforms to the powerful version and it becomes a hit also in Britain what it did. Even, Mr. ferry, and I are nothing but and have made it to the aura jar jar with both yeses deep. The liver is after all Ohaco. It explodes to it not to allow it to lack ..the special drummer and Paul Thompson... Did you beat twice by the double drum specification?This became a miso and already great Docasca super-low center of gravity. In addition, if it is low center of gravity, it is leaving John Uetton's base and the lower half of one's body is a jar jar. Group trumpet corps that gets on it and is no eternal. Mr. ferry also floats and, in addition, because the sound of Rokishe is loved, loved, and the extra innings enhancing play, expands Mckay as blowing. By the way, Chris of the guitar is, and is trap of Manza Tama cannot help The trap. In short, only by solo without the hoop because it doesn't associate in the force. Is not there?..attractive.. full loading at another time. The tune will be a felt-tipped marker in to glamorous development of usual of the blues melody what. When it is possible to become a priest here, it is already deeply OK. I was done this with and exist. Trumpet was done with the slide. It tries to do like Mr. David Rindorei. ..happy apart from it is possible to do... And, 2. Casanova. Again in now by the representative of Rokishe. It drops and more feelings bad of the speed. Like this when slimed snake got wet. It is bad and wonderful. coming feelings3. She Bregez. It revives to this 1st second. No withering that I say that changes and it will not exist. It is enhancing play, becoming empty, and this time at. This after shave. 4. Sheim Sheim Sheim. The main theme and Bgi the second bounce of this board. Cover of Mr. Jimmy lead's tune. It is a Sesame street in which it ..aspect.. has it when absorbing it. The rush power without reserve. The ringing rhythm guitar is bogus man. The fan bends backward. It collects to EP "Extra innings". 5.Because "2HB" is my theme song. I want to do even times how many. Can it become Humphrey Bogarde coming?6. "Price Ob love" is EP collection tune. Bgi the third bounce. The original is Eva Lee brothers. A former tune is similarly of fresh and considerably. Is it flamenco more or .. Do not win one's full approval and no Ca bar. It is clapping or is castanets or exists and will already be happier to do the evil sea weed. This technique : back again in the manifest. It is Oochoui number of this and rush power explosion. 7. "Chance meeting". Rocshe revival again. Love. Only the revival of 1st : why. It doesn't say somehow (^0^). It is likely to have kept something discontented. Because it was ..the evil punk kid... 8. Itts only love. It is Beatles. It is Lennon = McCartney though it is made to do. It smells and it sticks thickly. The confrontation is smell Tsicsa sublime. It collects to EP. In "Itts only ♪ Rarb" because it can have the face of,, and why. 8. "Yu going Tu my head" is a single in July, '75. In the 33rd first rank place in the first depression. This covers jazz standard tune of the melody that the challenge doesn't solve. It is ..listening.. when there is a chance as for Chet Baker and Mr. Dab blue Beck's versions. It is agape . to the difference of the atmosphere. It becomes so why or I want to come. Is it ..ferry world.. interior ..again..?10. Remake Rimodel revived Rokishe 1st exactly. It is a base at the Gftafsn yellowtail. It is Manza guitar and true Rimodel. It is a transformation in the sun to Totono. It covers about the ..unusual.. and coetaneous person last "Heart on my sleeve". By Gallagher & Rail that does break justThe state as it is. When it is greatly favorite, it paves it. The original already : in freshness when curving. The snake sings it. It is strangely fresh too. An impossible remark in Sbeding of the guitar : in the brought rhythm box aspect. It is not possible to get on very much ..that.. ..not doing Chris.., and when you may handle other people's, it leaves a message and it leaves dissatisfaction it is possible to do of the guitar. It is the Tac and OK because it doesn't give nobody. Complaint remark performance is wonderful. It collects to EP. The EP went up to the seventh first rank place. Having thought is an uncle of popular having. The 19th first rank place of the album. There must be other way from Gami.
Live! In the Air Age / Be Bop Deluxe 1977
by Yama
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*Bebop deluxe. It is a guitarist, and the band in Britain that appeared in post gram period that leads Mr. building Nelson. This album is a live board of the UK tour of the spring of 77 years. Jake is already parentheses food food of German SF movie "Metropolis" of silent pictures when curving as shown in the band seeing. It is effect or is kicked and Gyowarn in the last shout of joy though live is live by the article that A respect and D respect are called a usual LP specification, B respect, and C respect EP in the analogue and the interval of the ditch is 1 and respectively secondarily awfully wide. Because I put it by EP 45 rotations, it doesn't notice for about 30 seconds. It is such a band. ゥ・ It is translation .. As for the organization, Todd is the same as the utopia of long Caoshi. The sense of the arrangement looks like, too. Music is Little foot recalling. Performing to Gingin though it is loose the tension : getting on Vorcal of ..pleasant.. ー of room. This organization Lori's Gallagher also recalls it. As Mr. building's guitar style is common. Music is not at all common. The same musical instruments are used and only this is different by the same organization. Therefore, the lock is not stopped being confusedly interested. What kind of is, and band is it?Funky, the tune is not remembered in pop that is Onikihac carefreely and carefreely in terrible Britain and SF. After all, the translation is not understood. Is the understanding of the translation the maximum charm?The band conger that is doing terribly understands ー saying of course only here. The arrangement worked over to kneading is constructed, and the sound is started up in the place with nothing live, too, and Caticatitsu is fixed, matched, and : splendidly by the waited pleasure. The felt-tipped marker that the band doesn't expect while fitting in either falls and it becomes this sound. It is unbearably anxious, and it repeats and it comes Bati momentarily at listening though it is perplexed first with what. it is ..something.. and exists ..something..There are neither Biba, 3 4 in bebop and 2 and it for ..coming.. is the bebop deluxe in one at the end with absorbed interest when coming. It is a flower of the shelf when not listening until coming. Please let me give the title of the impregnability lock that it is great and the threshold is high by all means. It resembles the Little foot closely. I originally stingy love dried cuttlefish music. It can enjoy 100 times the price. Of course, because it is a mass of Ac, in the meaning, the possibility of at all not suitable is large having. 70's pointed by avant-garde and POP in the 21st century when Ctisawa is good in the material crack is locked even if jumping. Neither the lottery nor the betting-ticket are hit if it doesn't buy it. The great loss this barrel is equivalent pleasure.
Desolation Boulevard(US) / Sweet 1974
SORRY,Mistranslation multi.
*One week August of 75 years was a start. Single "The rock'n'roll is a love going mad" all Americans TOP40 appears. It reaches the fifth first rank place spending 12 weeks. There is a reason why the tune that had become a big hit for these 73 years in own country Britain in the middle of gram climax suddenly landed on the continent. Ah, and as for, it was Itoma, and it was or it was and the band dared a tour from all over the U.S. over 40 cities to the following target in the United States though it might not be concentrated fully for 74 years by the gram. Little..wheelie..hit..provide..groundwork..provide..provide..
rare..see..live..expert..performance..good at..impregnable defenses..see..person..all..yankee..somehow..hate..all concerned..band..hard..muzzle..true..curve..big success.The result is chart appearance. The continent becomes a hit of a scale from all over the U.S. and, anyway, is not gotten only by doing good music because it is wide. It is necessary to approach there soberly for each one to know. The album to sell the hand in the tour hall is this Desoration boulevard. It changes and the number is collected with the UK board previous "Love going mad". Gay mustering of of live shining. The band that doesn't suit the ballade uncommonly seen doesn't have it why. It is addition "Fox on Za orchis" perfection and single due to large explosion after tour by chart no matter what it hangs it on itFive tunes of the composer team of key mover and Chapman = Chin of the success in Britain are rows in the first half. Hard rock, especially Mr. purple ..band ..Gramii.. person in question.. makes and Tinichap also is making it answering it wanting do because it massaged it ..saying.. wanting the pattern. loveHowever, because it is entering of the fool, persons in question seem to be dissatisfied for a moment. Putting power by saying Ma externals 120% finally. In the now Yu d'Hondt and ACDC, 16 years old (the slide taking the plate, the love going mad, and the first love from former work album "Sweet Fanny Adams") is from singles. And, it fights from six in the self-made tune of the band. This is 6.8.9. Slide from Maetsc. peelIt throws out for a true rainout of and the first another and the match album again ..card.. why like taking the plate. ゥゥ The self-made tune ゥ・ As the tune, no do be known of that for a moment either. It is not possible to make it so that the tune may think a performance preeminent ability for myself. And, because they are the people to whom it has taken time to succeed. Still, it is asked the broken signs fineness when breaking is made when desperately making it. Suffering is a desire attempting further because it is compared more directly by Tini = Chap rare with the obtaining composer who sees. Only of it is possible to do might be understood even for myself. However, the person does what when challenging and doesn't get it. The guy of it is possible to do Totoki finally :. It is "Fox on Za orchis. "This tune that all Gati engages and it is relieved what feeling requested because it feels relieved when listening. Convex such and concave are extraordinary and ..charm.. album. You are completely a prisoner of sweet if it listens to 1st and this ..De...
Taking Tiger Mountain (By Strategy) / Eno 1974/11
by Yama
SORRY,Mistranslation multi.
*In the best condition..loudly..China..picture postcard..obtain..Santo..climb..hole..invasion..interior..provide..
tiger..baby..head..come back..completely..mutual understanding.This album was made while saying whether it was a head of as experiencing bashfulness. It is Tiger Mountain of the second solo piece. Because it came to light by the first piece, it is already comfortable also even in the idol of the gram and the elder brother with to tell the truth good nature. Favor Houdai is done. It did ー in addition. Drinking friend like a usual devil (Differ) such as Mr. ..peel.. Manza who gathers, Mckay, Wyatt, and the head companion Collins who is doing music. ..mischievous.. is loved also in this all Watashinani ..it is not possible to do.. ..the pride... Because..do..say..phlegm..teacher..this..after school..practice the piano....1521 times are played and . that was Necof. Goodness or more . ..doing a vocal practice.. ..passing.. according to it. While crying. All, because it knows. Therefore, it ..Onoshi.. cries ..what.., and I am ..such elder brother opinion.. mama Coeshiti for and Ge is what. ..no lock star it.. .Eno and you are it is possible to do and . in the good one. Because the mama takes side. Yes mama. The song is recorded with mostly double. However, everyone doesn't associate here in free Bokepocarn. The music that wants to do in above all looks complete. This union Eno world world cannot be achieved by random. It merrily rolls it with the shochu about the guest in an unpleasant palm toning all before one is aware. Many of super-sense Storengerii ..inside.. suddenly of ー and smell air cut. A super-sense is a reason with the one generated only momentarily that is convinced and is. Everyone cannot slip out with the circle in this. Phrases of eyes of ..putting out 1.. tune for instance in introduction. When it is necessary to play it so, no Yoroco ..the request.. ..the request... Two of it is and merry-go-round music of coming Rac doing gets on while waving. Whistle of Tuu. drinkingGuitar solo like roast sweet potato. Limbo..dance..balloon..woman..good at..technique..space..future.The future seen 30 years ago will be tasted here in 30 years now. There is no such pleasure. It will do as usual in the future because it is not achieved indefinitely. And, it is Oti and Dora of use. ..can regularly taste pleasure that ruins everything... 4. Hahacgera without eyes of ..peel.. "" recalls huge Mezashi. Manza's guitar is the skewer post. Development here is a super-sense explosion place. The female chorus corps that summons it on the street about which it doesn't think by British tradition how many fuels it. Mabayucasa in the thrill ....loosening.. ..ー.. saying about the remainder.. :. Great..Sam..Cook..band..Mr...of course..provide..Monica..song.It is in the humming in the bath. ..loveliness... kooky Ot full loading it by not comingLike Tarepanda. All heads in B respect : by a Japanese syllabary that is asleep, one yell spark, and the third ankle doesn't have. This is already a tune for Manzanera. It doesn't consist if there is no high-speed demon cutting of him. The phrase in two or more futures is fired in rapid succession. The kind called the friend. Peel..baby..baby-sitter..song.When raising it by this ・・・ How do it become it?It is opposite bank music of the Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd. music studio. 8. This of the pleasure is Eno pop. Teletubbies appears (story), too. A Sarten Reshiou appears, too. It explodes a playing super-sense among. The fantasy world of repetition by two or more guitar synchronizeds. It is a moa Songs album of Talking Heads, and hungry and the same pleasure as. It is recalled that 9.comes to China and me if it is said along. This rhythm guitar is the same as Hezz. In the translation that met before it meets. Last sleeps slowly. It Daccoed it ....being not able sleep.... gently when there was a song. When having gone to sleep, it had sung carelessly. The song is ..favorite Eno...
Country Life / Roxy Music 1974/11
by Yama
SORRY,Mistranslation multi.
*It is "Country life" that towers in the top of the fourth piece it for the Rokishe music and 74 years second stage. It went up here by the remainder for only two years. If there is support that limited is steady, band is actually feeling that do not go forward firmly and do not let the road by yourself studied thoroughly. Mr. Chris Thomas pulls by one step and engineer's Mr. John Pantar and Rocshe take charge of production stoutly. Doing already comes into sight completely. The sound place will actually become Cinerama bigger with the existence as for the sound, too. It became a fuss again by Jake. Is a right type a man?Usual , .... probably will see the hair. Corbicula..United Sates..wholly..couple..cancel..Japan..pants..color..condense..
limping.Whether it returns safely and very people were degenerated into the (^0^) origin at time of 30 years are told now. . Mr. ferry's 2nd album narrows in July among. Men in nature and the firm force who understand whether you want to do. However, it is not only by dancing winding. It was the current three piece work of Itatama. ..difference.. ..and.. ..the difference.. the slob and where. compare it thereforeThe octopus dance and this country life draw the picture of Amazones and Boccatiodecameron with the suit by the setting in 2150 in example the first piece in the third piece that London and the 2nd piece look at Berlin from an opposite lakefront in the bar in Paris while thinking of Texas in Britain. The one that everyone performs as baud is not descended. It is a man who used it completely. In "Love of the thrill" at beginning of event. Arrogant arrogant drum of Paul Tompsorn who is 120% Toba from the beginning. Not but this sound is Gstafsn of the base not collected who begins to watch for it, the synchronized, and the chance with Ot. goggleWill guest treatment and many of the phrase on still be the instructions of Manza?And, the Manza ゥ・ It is opening completely. The picking that became the member of the rhythm section and ..hard cutting.. twined added the heavy responsibility of a phrase that outstripped the sound and a selfish guitar album like being and Hata was added it was any further. This the Decameron world cannot be drawn of course Mckay important, too if there is not this. There is no what in the sound of the oboe is effective and exists like this though it is. Stare into space in the sound that can lack, Mr. ferry, and the bead of perspiration and absorb with great application and to the pleasant aspect probably. It sings. The second is "Three shillings and six pence. " for six minutes of. It is not in ten Hen 19. It relaxes with a jerk, and it is pleasant and, this time, a harmonica left for breath becoming interrupted of putting away from the saxophone, Mckay, and the mike by 2m after amorousness is basic wonderful again of. It compares to the calculation method of a confusing British currency and ..singing.. is a talk of the bargaining of Coi. And, "All eye want. " of the 3rd and the single. It one another is Docco, and top phrase of Ma bones explosion because of the introduction. Isn't it shameful?.The one (resolutely, terrible, and hope) is sung. The listening place is a guitar solo of 40m in velocity of the wind that Ga of the guitar the piano in Sabi, the synchronized of the song, and immediately after and rolls it. The phrase here is true ..the talk.. when wanting and wanting it. The ending that ends like seem being natural according to the character overplus is also probably splendid. The following that do not pardon the inside to which it bends backward are most exciting in the history of Rocshe tune "Out Of The Blue". Head piling great introduction and oboe like salted fish guts. Cutting guitar to which song and phase are shifted. Base by which is gotten immediately before Sabi. The wriggling solo guitar and end when it writhes. In front of the stage that went out. Of ..handsome youth Eddie.. fair hairHere, the fellow who listens is an air violin, too. It remembers one by one and it is perfect of the phrase. It faints beside oneself in Ao rhythm because of back in the top. Madam Claude's song at A side the end as the excitement is awoken. Madam's world is fraudulent New Orleans. It is dumping of the Za band to Mage here. Such a piano can be played or it is Eddie. Is it indeed Mr. ferry it is and here?The desire excellence is announced blowing out the saxophone and here of ..Mckay.. Ohaco. The time that is upset and accumulated with a jerk. ..sweetness.. adult's world. bitterIt is estheticism in Mr. ferry to one's heart's content. It is strangely safe. march by the tin soldier in the hight part howeverIt rushes into in full scale following the down ending in the Middle Ages. Three pictures are firmly looked at for three minutes and appearance is Casanova. For this, there are the first pull. Four character idiom series following former work Amazona. If this develops though it is not a be known whether the following were Jobijoba either. It is the Inquisition association musical, is Camup, Ascora of Rocshe, and there is said reason. The synchronized is instantaneously done as the cembalo, and Wau ..starting.. Crabinet is Italy the veteran in Motown and a way whether made a business trip. Such..sound..back..do..ferry..Mr...entrance..edge..one..do..fly..
exchange..listen.It is acceptable even if it catches it by the face of course completely. ..responsible.. ..Mo... the following thingSolo is and there is very no one about the long ages very any longer. What the party of : in all members. It is unexpected. Music is of prohibition of sale. When it does here, it is done that it attaches, and we also ..following.. ..coming.. recollect unpleasantly and truly when I was wonderful. It still relaxes in the Boccatio world. Ah, and Texas is the highest, and has been betrayed about love of none my country or living at the end.
The sound of CD is from an analogue to the upgrade if I say only this board. It shuts smartly and the detail of the sound is writing up meal as for imagination or more. Please enjoy it without reserve.
Sladest / Slade 1973
10 Wild Winds Are Blowin'
7 The Shape of Things to Come
11 Know Who You Are
6 Pouk Hill
4 One Way Hotel
12 Get Down and Get With It
9 Coz I Luv You
2 Look Wot You Dun
8 Take Me Back 'Ome
14 Mama Weer All Crazee Now
3 Gudbye T' Jane
13 Look at Last Nite
1. Cum on Feel the Noize
5 Skweeze Me Pleeze Me
SORRY,Mistranslation multi.
*Slade and Slader and Sladest. The best album put out generously at the hight period in 1973 is this Sradest. It is the bible of a foolish rocker. See and exist the jacket. There is rarely a jacket that shows the fact of the band like this. Ki that has already bought all singles is parents' purses or the translations that pull out abduction absorbed note and buy it. The photograph of the idol specification is fully loaded to a large idiot. Nimmari Nodi that puts the gauze and ..Dab Hill.. teeth go out with Porori. The appearance of the stage of the excitement : in back Jake. The London boots ..why.. understands to necessary from this. Foot short. Though it puts on. Is it a head?The curl code air is danced. The drum : ahead such why. Stage ..approach.. .It wants to be going to throw in tomorrow, to put, and to be happy of. The price doesn't look high at all though it is a guitar, and ..Kinkinrakin.. clothes in gorgeousness. This air and this that whether to throw all of the contradiction of the world are all charms of Slade. It is not in every respect good-looking. However, it is good-looking. Kyocmure and the melody of the talent's being about to burst dance. When it is a sound .... beautiful, it does very tone quality villainy crude production however. ..and... Is it ..Imo.. Ot?It is not uncouth at all. There is not guitar solo that becomes it in magnificence either. The song is Gana. It does and ー is done very. There will be it is ..splendor.. Era neither or a praised element in the world. Still, it is the highest nice. Isn't this in the lock?Is Ikemen'ikemen in order and is it .... good?Isn't there beauty that is in order and not is?And shout.
When depending on an English liner
10 Wild Winds Are Blowin'
・・・The first single phonograph record. At any rate, this is a start of horseplay.
7 The Shape of Things to Come
・・・Theme tune of movie "Brute on street". It seems to be a tune sung for the first time in top Ob Za pop. What movie was it?
11 Know Who You Are
・・・Tune of initial Ambrose Srad. Lyrics seem to be chiefly the charge of Mr./Ms. Dab Hill.
6 Pouk Hill
・・・It is the beautiful country provinces of Wolbarhampton. Taking a picture by inside and upper-body nakedness where it schemes when taking a picture of album jacket, and it snows. All members caught a cold.
4 One Way Hotel
・・・Tune in lower layer age of extreme poverty. I hear seeming the cohabitation of four members and two Rordi people in hotel room, and making when overcrowded of the remainder in ..taking one's mind off one's worries... Well with the people squeezing. It seems to smell.
12 Get Down and Get With It
・・・Tune that reaches British all chart TOP20 for the first time. It seems to be a tune that makes first gripping it. Noisiness : when all tunes mesne. Attention of being shouted by father when it is annoying even if it puts it because of what small sound.
9 Coz I Luv You
・・・It seems to be a tune that consciously writes the single that sells for the first time. It seems to have found Cou type. It is this certainly. The talent shall not be the one (the grip and taking).
2 Look Wot You Dun
・・・It seems to have been first ..possession.. beginning. When the chorus part is put out trying to make it, it is a smash hit.
8 Take Me Back 'Ome
・・・To reproduce the state of the stage on the record, it was made. The member is insisting the most important work.
14 Mama Weer All Crazee Now
・・・When the appearance of the hall is seen after the stage ends, it is a crazy tune that splendidly becomes it to which the appearance of disturbed guy is described by a great upsurge. Because this band is amazed, the guest is more considerable.
3 Gudbye T' Jane
・・・Song of small girl at a loss in interview program of TV that performs in the United States tour by front row. It seems to have lost favorite shoes before collection. The member combines and it is not along ..the search... Without Riha when it will be a recording in 30 minutes.
13 Look at Last Nite
・・・The amount of the musician who has disappeared is shouldered without succeeding and we say that I might not continue doing and this success long, too.
1. Cum on Feel the Noize
・・・It came near to a guest in Liverpool, something was obtained, and it was made. It is a
shine of the whole body noise.
5 Skweeze Me Pleeze Me
・・・Now let's sing all.
It is done that it could not help making efforts ..strapping.. ..page of Jake..
instinctively. Please look at the following picture in "NEXT".
Stranded / Roxy Music 1973
by Yama
SORRY,Mistranslation multi.
*The album of the third piece of the Roxy music in fiscal year 1973 is "Stranded. "Debut..work..March..September..Bryan Ferry..first..solo album..release..this..board..November..sale..run..stop..something..run away..wharf..borrow..run fast..come.The problem is the Mr. ferry's solo. Gather..soldier..musician..unexpected..professional..world..see..ferry..Mr...music..do..music..music..shop..
Mr...natural..notice..wonderful.It is ..whether came... Music. When music is done now, the problem is ..Hagemal.. Otoco. It is parentheses flirted sideward of my playing Pincopinco and the piano and the desperate singings and dance Gal. Excrement. It entreats by the point ..make it ask and giving to me by one person... And, Eno and it secedes Inorno. It went out to the band of Eno and ringleader Andy Mckay who had put it also went out to ..resignation by chance together.. bet. It remained ..doing.. ..Mckay... It heals. Then, genius handsome youth Eddie Jobson met with solo board that has entering. Is does it take this year and 18-years old child abuse?In addition, humming man John Gstafsn participates in importance and the base while still treating the guest and. This, and it is, and produce is already lineup Totono many of the famous piece of music that invite Mr. Chris Thomas and spring up for which the breath was without any mistake suitable in the latter half of the former work. ..aim.. Ono is a created strike land music declaration. Work "Pre-Fo Yoa jar" before it is charm where it gives birth to tension and it doesn't collect without of color duel of point and point that flies completely and shines (The head also :). The temper was different in above all only by there was one person who was playing the piano. One the sweat is not lacked this time and nymph cartoon rose food man of a magnificent phrase firing in rapid succession descends. As for a basic piano lock, the body of the room full marks and music became big. It starts in loudness by single tune "Street life" of the declaration ..it... Eight straight line beats of Thompson, and I am glad and Mr. ferry and this that exceeds are critical point newborn Rocshe Mckay of base, Manza guitar, and ..increasing.. P it, best partner and Gs's three sounds wait for the aspect by the Mr. Thomas sound and penetrate through the breakthrough power and the steel of the united body all membersIt is room and the second "Just Reich Yu" of pull. It does and the 3rd and highlight tune "Amazona. "Manza and ferry Tomotsc. It is a guitar riff of Manza,, and. Mysterious phrase to which Mr. lobby of Za band did chalcid fly with horizontal bar. It is funk or reggae or only the Amazona family is none when absorbing it. And, it is and because it is other side in 2000, the tone is. Only Mr. ferry can take the music scale of "Of ..sweetness.. ー ー" of the song. And, "Sarm. " of the pull again. P is not read. ..five.. serenade is Rokishe festival that becomes it in magnificence. It rushes as all members cut the weir toward a word of the last "Sarenad". Six highlights of ..peel.. Ftatabi. The history of all Rocshe is "Yuroppa elegy" that receives the moment in the hight. ..body.. Mr. ferry who grew up in the home is a field of ..seen decadence.. Yo in the dream indefinitely. It is of the emperor explaining heaven like the France having tea. This large Mitoc. An uncouth ..living.. sound of the field is at all Mahonatada of no Rocshe. Because it is only this band that can be able to do this. The sound at this time is especially loved. . Mother Ob pearl that rushes into at radical change and five gear velocities, turns at full throttle, crashes into wall of electron velocity of film, and scatters by shine of seven colors. The slow motion part continues with the length at the moment. Pleased listening toThe end is a song of the nightfall that doesn't sink indefinitely. It will go up oppositely far from sinking. It transforms to Casanova as it is.
Love's a Prima Donna / Steve Harley & Cockney Rebel 1976
by Yama
SORRY,Mistranslation multi.
*It is the fifth work for 76 years of a late gram band and Steve Harley & cockney Revel. It is Mr. Harley who acted on a hit gone go well firing in rapid succession though there was a big member change after it debuts. It is popularity in Parta every night of night. 「Oh dear are you singing that song?The make-up Me smile is a wonderful tune. 」It is praised and falls on ..blooming age.. lady who becomes it. ""「It is Grarm. However, it is surprised and with sober. 」When" conversation was repeated about eight times, it answers the Mr. Harley asking oneself. "Am I sober?" Garn. It beats to the thunder. It is the member in haste summons to only to have put out the new work with the EMI studio. 「. . Steve. Is it a meeting for everyone to hear the new work?It is ..ー.. itchy. encounter」". While drinking Yunkel Mr./Ms. Steve「I will ..following.. make it. This tune is this. The arrangement is this. 」「It is foolish .. . ..ー however... 」It was made from details (It is straw though did perhaps). ? ..entitling.. of what .."Does the prima donna like it?"...
Produce is oneself this time because it is sudden anyhow. It is four months from June to September of 76 years. Open Yunkel and 246. It made it very hard from morning till night. The completed work went up to appearance and the 28th British all album charts place in November. Smash hit where single "Hia Camuz Za San" goes up to the tenth first rank place, too. 「Is , .. I will not say any longer ..sober... ..referring.. ..finishing ..ー.. doing... The following are tours. 」Your exhaustion of Yo ..peel.. band ..arranging... This, and a cockney level is strike stop and ..
One LP that was able ..corner hole.. to dawn before long goes across the sea and arrives at Far Eastern country Japone much. 「It is a cockney. What?Cutting board already?980 yen. It bought it. 」Take home to a young mountain in which it went into raptures and the house and as soon as having lowered the needle. "Getting cold". It is a sound and a sound that flies to. It learns while being puzzled, and 30 years pass. Now and the prima donna came. How harmoniously it becomes familiar now!If it is an opera style chorus it, a vocoder, a kooky rhythm, and a George Harrison fan, it rages and classics, the hallelujah, and the stop are indescribably cute "Does the prima donna like it?" of a dance of the highest singing voice and the child, girl's mutters, and large orchestras to which father shows up ..announcement.. suddenly in the history of the cover of "Hia Cauz Za San" to seem to rage and the sniffles degreeThis album that became Clutage of keeping pushing to the end from aesthetics of pull. There is a sound of all the British pop. Do you get tired at once because it is gay?Duck. However, it revives. To a lot of.. Ai morale one of the Kerokeroed sound. It sends and the happy one comes out still a coming toy canned food even if it puts out or it puts it out when collecting by five beaks of the beak or the silver of money. It reigns over the lock field with 2nd of the magazine as the highest masterpiece album of over produce. It puts fast because it seems to enter and it will differ from the inflation music of Sac today. One sound one sound is a product of the resolution. It arrives tightly putting it before this drop now. "Does the prima donna like it?""Yes, it is favorite highest. "
Glam Greats 2005/6/7
*ついに登場、グラム真正面剛速球コンピ、その名もグラム・グレーツ・シリーズ。6月7日に第2集まで発売されます。発売元はCrimson Productionsてとこ。新しいレーベルか6月からクラシック・ロックのコンピをどわっと出してくれる。他にも面白そうなのが一杯なんで楽しみ。さてこのコンピ、もう全くカルトで無くて素敵。今まで最強のグラム・コンピつうとヴァージン・TVのベスト・エヴァー・グラム・アルバムだと思ってましたけどすぐ入手難になっちまったしもう一つダイナマイトとゆうのもやばそう。Velvet Tinmineとゆうカルトなやつが新しくて即入手可なれどこれでは竹之内、真弓のビデオは有っても王、長島のビデオが見れないつう妙な具合に。何たって混ぜて聴くのが楽しいグラムポップですけん待望です。これから3,4と続いたらいいな。残念なのが値段が高いこと。なぜでしょう。流通の問題でもあるのか。もう少し待てば安くなるかな。廃盤に即なっちゃたりして。世の中理不尽。ご存知の方もおられるかも知れませぬ。今月号の某レココレ誌がグラム特集、まさかそれに合わせたつう訳で無く、きっとこころっくすのために違いない。がはは。うちでは自力で片っ端から曲集めるもぼろぼろのアナログから取ったやつとかも多いからなあ、だぶりまくってもどうしよう。欲しいんだけど。そのレココレ、とくと拝見いたしました。日本発の真実のグラム・ロック特集って書かれちゃあ見ない訳にはまいらぬ。力作で何か卒論読んでるみたいでちと苦笑。グラムで卒論〜。なわりにデータが例によって少なく論より証拠じゃ無くて証拠より論かよ。そうなると己の論に事実を強引に引っ張って来ちゃってそりゃまずいんじゃないか。変だなあと思うとこ多々有り。まず欧米の現地のグラム感と日本のが違うんじゃ無いかと力説なさってたけど、別に違っててもそりゃ構わないと思う次第。何も向こうに合わせる必要も無く日本つうより各人でそれぞれ勝手に思ってたってそれは自由だもんな。でも問題なのはデータとか音が揃ってて自分で選んでグラム像を思う描くんじゃ無くて限られた情報でそうせざるを得なかったってこと。それをやったのは日本の洋楽ロック・マスコミで、いわば責任は自分たちにあるのに、まー他人事のように。ネット時代の今になって生のチャート・データとか初めて見れるようになってびっくりしてるのはこっちです。それなのにまた証拠より論で新たな刷り込み計ろうとしてのかー。いつも言わせてもろうてるけどお金貰って時間かけて調べることの出来るロック雑誌の方には生のデータ提示を頭に持って来て欲しいぞ。それ見てこっちは勝手に判断するから。読ませて貰って肝心なことはいまだわからずじまいで。例えばケニーでギター弾いてるクリス・レイ氏について「クリス・スペディング氏との説有り」と書いてありましたけど、この方、全然音楽違うリンジー・ディ・ポール嬢のアルバムでも大活躍してるんだよな。スペディング氏のギターってかなり個性があるんで目が点に。何故変名にしなきゃあかんかったか。もしや水戸黄門の脚本書いてる「葉山彰子」名義みたいに複数おるのでは無いかと疑ってるんだけど。印税じゃなくて取っ払い仕事の時に使うとか。「説有り」とか書くだけで噂が本当になっちまいますからそこはちゃんと調べて欲しかった。素人が何アホなこと言ってるとか思うのならやっておくんなんまし。それとベイ・シティ・ローラーズのサタデイ・ナイトがルーターズのレッツ・ゴーのパターンをパクっててそれがグラム・リズムの元になってるんじゃ無いかつう論。これカーズのレッツ・ゴーでもお馴染みのあのチア・ガール応援リズムなんだけどそれだけで全部そうかつうとそんな単純なものでもあるまいに。ボケーっと英国チャートの曲、聴いてるだけで、モータウンの宴会手拍子リズムがとにかくイギリス人は好きなんだなあとかロックンロール、ブギはもう自分達の音楽だと思ってるんだなとかロックも進んじゃって一緒に歌えて尻出して騒げる音楽が欲しかったんだなとか、それはグラムの前からちゃんと有ったんだけど長老のアレクシス・コーナー氏のCSSとか仲間若手のボランはんがきっかけを作ってくれたんでもっと騒げるようになったとか、もっともっと騒げる種探してアフリカのブルンディ・ブラックまで引っ張り出したとかSFも好きとか、もう整合性などあるんだか無いんだか、そのぐっちゃんぐっちゃんなとこが魅力なんですから。当時の事件、記事とかカルトなとかだったらチャートの下位を見せてくれたりして欲しかった。してくれなかったから興味が有るんなら自分で調べるしか無いか。他人を当てにしてはいけないな(^0^)。はい。それとチニ=チャプとかプロのプロダクション・チームが綿密なマーケッティングの元、「作りこまれていった」つう記述もどうも。白けるなあ。そりゃこうしてみたいてのはあったと聞いてますが、無きゃ作れん、作りこまれたつう割には穴が大有りで。そのお間抜けなとこもグラム・ポップの魅力なのに。自分じゃ歌わない曲作りのメンバーが例えばスイートならスイートに加入して音楽を作ったって思ってます私。それだけ個性があります。世間に合ってようと合ってまいと自分でもどうしょうもならないほどの。
SORRY,Mistranslation multi.
*Glam front great physical strength fast ball Compi and the name are gram Grats series that finally appear. It is put on the market to the second collection on June 7. The sale origin is Crimson Productions .. Compi of the classics locks is put out with in new label or June. It enjoys it by the fact that seeming other to be interested is full. It is not and is wonderful in complete cult ..this Compi.. already well. It has been thought up to now that it is best Eva gram album of the strongest glam Compi Virgin and TV and is of another dynamite in the obtaining difficulty. It is ..Velvet Tinmine cult.. new, and Takenouchi and Mayumi's videos can see the king and the video of Nagashima even in case of being and : to the condition of strange in this ..being possible to obtain immediately.. however. It is an expectation to which listening mixing it anyhow cannot become empty by gram happy pop. Be not good with 3 and 4 in the future when it continues. The regrettable one must be high and the price must be high. It might be why. Is it a problem of circulation?Does it become cheap if waiting a little more?It is immediately in the abolition board. The world is unjust. Is there a person who knows, too and it is not possible to know. The certain Recocore magazine of the issue features it the gram this month, and it is surely Yac, it doesn't exist according to it, and there is surely no difference for mind. . A lot of.. it is, and the guy who took it is from a tattered analogue though ..tune.. collected one after another for oneself by him, too. Though it is desirous. It ..the Recocore.. had a good look. The glam rock feature of the truth from Japan writes and doesn't come to the translation not seen. It smiles wryly with the masterpiece as the graduation thesis reading something. Is it a gram and a graduation thesis?。From evidence whether there is no data in evidence from theory few in depending on example and theoryThen, it might be unpalatable when the fact is forcibly pulled to the theory by yourself and it curves. ..desire.. Oo multi having. strangeI do not think that it cares about separately differing though it was stressed that it was not in gram feeling and Japan's local in Europe and America different. It hangs, it thinks of Japan from respectively without permission in everybody ..need not the match of anything to the other side.., it leaves, and it is ..free... When I cannot help even doing so by information to which gram image chooses by me as data or sound becomes complete and is not in drawing and is limited to thinkHaving done it : to the way of the others of ..reeling.. ー thing though we are so to speak responsible in the western-style music lock mass communication in Japan. It will become soon and it is here like the chart data of the life to be surprised to come to be able to see for the first time of the net age. Again does it stencil new and does it try to measure it from evidence by the theory yet?I will want you to bring it the head of the presentation of the data of the life disregarding of money Mora at time though it is possible ..furnace.. to shoot even if it is always made to say. the lock magazine that can be examinedBecause it sees and here judges it without permission.
It is made to read and an essential thing is still. For instance..Kenny..guitar..bullet..Chris..lei..Mr...Chris..Spedding..write..this..one..at all..music..float..Lindsey De Paul..Miss..album..take an active part.Eyes : Peding's guitar to the point in the place where there is considerably individuality. It is in the false name why. Two or more : like Mitokomon's "Akiko Hayama" name of scenario book by chance though doubts it not is. It is not a royalty and when ..saying.. working, taking Hara is used. I wanted you to examine neatly from really "Theory having" the rumor ..only writing... The amateur is what if it thinks of fool as saying. Its and Bay City Rollers's Saturday nights snarf the pattern of the Let's going of Lutarz and ..it is.. Ron in becoming. the origin of gram .... rhythmEven the Let's going of this Carz : also to it alone and will not the one of and entire simple it though it is that familiar cheerleader assistance rhythm. The British anyway wanted the feast clapping rhythm of Motown and doesn't think that the rock'n'roll and Bgi the favor were music of us already or ..tune of Boka British chart.. want the music that was able to make noise by advanced being able ..lock.. to sing together and putting out hips ..only listening... The favor or the correspondence already, etc. are or do not exist or : SF as it dragged it to a Burundi ..Africa.. black as presbyter's Mr. Alexis corner's CSS or companion young man's Volan looks for the seed that can make noise more more as came to being able to have made and the more bluster because it is .... .... .... attractive though were neatly ahead of the gram it. When it was of an event at that time, the article or cult, I wanted you to show the subordinate position of the chart. Is there only my examination if there is an interest because it did not do?It is not relying on others (^0^)Yes. Thank you for the origin of elaborate marketing and "It made and crowded" description a production team who that was its and Tini = Chap or professional. ..chilled... Then, it is not possible to make, and the hole is large having in making Wa seen thus in case of not being though it is heard it was it is. Though it is a charm of the stupid G ram pop. Even if it joins sweetly and music is made, it is me who thinks if the member of the tune making not sung for myself is for instance sweet. There is individuality that much. It is suitable at the people and is suitable for the way, and it is dance, I, and.
This glam festival that participates by people with good a lot of sea weeds and rises very much. There are no true colors how many, it understands, and .... nature :. Because it is music, it is sleep food. Ahead though enjoyed more than the theory.
Introducing Eddy & the Falcons / Roy Wood & Wizzard 1974/8
SORRY,Mistranslation multi.
*2nd album of a greatly active wizzard who leads the Oniotoco Roy wood doctor is this "introducing Eddie & the Falcons. " in gram POP age of Britain as the grand champion sumo wrestler from 73 to 75 years. It is the world of the rock'n'roll and of wizard's impersonating to Falcons fictitious band literally and the delivery oldies that becomes it in magnificence. Unveil everyone can enter immediately from the beginning, and it enjoy the material. There is Presley, too and backing chorus corps. Group pop hardening band and wizard of Dr. Roy and making to do ELO thoroughly with 1st album and to have resigned spa. The sound for the number of is a large spectacle ..making everything listened... Wizard Bru of 1st has already been done that it was terrible when curving. Even I of the big fan am Dango music consulted for a moment. It is felt admiration even for here ー ..reeling.. often both as flash chalcid fly 1 that the ability must not explode going side by side ..paradise of full loading of the best melody.. meanwhile while it is short preeminently on the horizontal bar in the single however a large great board and the sea weed of the kabuki make-up make-up the Beach Boys love Atlantic Ocean contact. British people and 2nd life flavor Wa 1st in gotten solo and two albumsHowever, it doesn't only look like sergeant Sandarz. ..this album.. for it ..straight at the first listening... The interior is ..bottom.. ..it is.. as well as. the British however and .... RattolzOpen inside Jake is a British pub to one's heart's content and Maswel Hilbirez of Kincs recalled by all means. To tell the truth, after two years, it was a present age though the age went back for ten years further. It is remake/Ri model. Listen..listen..come into view..one..enumeration..get tired..far from.The time of listening is the first key second. If it exceeds there, the gate of the heaven can become a disciple. It is Dr. Roy's sound inside and out and wizard's every one doesn't understand where to emit the sound though it is a wizard name, and a band. Did you want to make it from the air by all members?The killer single of this is "This is a story of my life (baby) really. " at A side the end. If only this tune is said, it is the one mysterious like twisting one further as for the current Roy wood paragraph wonder melody. It because of the specter sound that grandly becomes it. Is this a sense of balance ..this uncle it..?It does feeling dizzy. Is the appearance simultaneously miraculously appearance the second generation of a straight rock'n'roll flavor after time when the gram started also facing the end, Mad or Showadiwadi or Lubetts or liter flavor comes off in 74 gotten years, and by chance or inevitable of natural air with this?It is possible to come ..the favor by all means after all.., it prints why, and it is thoroughly British. With at all in the United States. The Warner board neatly : like LP of Boroboro that exists though it went out. It is not possible to have done in the United States situation though it is ..retreat.. genius, and Roy who falls into the predicament after this. fruitlessly become it not doingHowever, it likes the obstinacy and it doesn't collect. Respect and large saluting. 。