Back Stabbers / The O'Jays 1972
いやもう、怖いです。軽快なビートに乗って。「What they do!」の掛け声調子がいいですから。フィラデルフィアの子供は意味わからない内に歌ってたりして。こうゆう大人がいるんだよと小さい頃から啓示される。それもこれも苦過ぎる苦闘の歴史を噛み締め過ぎるほど噛み締めているからでしょうか。本当に怖い人って言うのは正面切って非難してくる人ではなくて笑顔で近づいて来る人だと。実際、日本でもリフォーム詐欺とかメールで「おめでとうございます。あなたは当選しました。」とか日常的にある現在ですから人事ではありません。人の寂しさとかにつけ込んで。そうゆう犯罪とは別にもっと日常的にたとえば、会って最初に何か逆鱗に触れて、よしこいつをへこませてやろうと狙いを定められた時。怖いです。当たりは極めて柔らか、狙いを定められた本人も最初は友達だと思っている。その内、本人しかわからない嫌な事を数々されて、ついに我慢できず叫んでも、他の人にはわかりませんから、それこそ言ってる方が悪人化、すっかりそのコミュニティから弾き出されるつう。ヒッチコック監督の映画によくあるパターンです。映画では「可哀相におかしくなって。病院に行きましょうね。あなたのためよ。」って結末に。で「後のことは心配しないで。私が全部やって上げますから。」ってニヤリ。何を言っても妄想、キチガイの戯言って。書いてて恐ろしくなったよ。現代のホラーだな。さらにもっと怖いことは、それをやってる本人が、悪いことをしてるつう自覚が無い時、天然ってやつですか。もっともっと怖いのは良いことをしてるって思い込んでる時。例えばイラクに進出してるアメリカの軍隊、やばっ、は諸説あるかもしれませぬが、例えば宗教の勧誘なんかそうかも。貴方は邪教に犯されてる可哀相に、ああああ貴方のゆうことはごもっともごもっとも、でも違うんですよ私の言うことを聞きなさいねって。ハナから相手の考えは小馬鹿にしてますから、真面目に聞こうとしてません。小馬鹿にされるって人は一番頭にくることだからねえ。激高するとますます小馬鹿に。善行してると思い込んでるから目的を達するまでテコでも離さぬ。困り果てます。こうゆう事態に陥ったらどうすればいいのか。はいはいはいとこちらも適当に受け流せばいいのか。それが出来れば一番なんだけど、それが出来ないのが人ですから。特に大切にしてる部分をないがしろにされた場合は。とことんやられてガラスの仮面の北島マヤみたいになるか(朝の連ドラでブレーク、陰謀でやられた時です)。たまらんなそりゃ。それともたとえ一人になっても狂人と周りから思われてもいつかわかってくれると何も言わず頑張るか。これもキツイ。特に守るものが多ければ多いほど。そうゆうものを持ってて容易に逆らったり出来ないことを薄々でも確信的でも知ってて近づいて来ますからそうゆう人は。うーん。何か良い方法ご存知でしょうか皆さん。わかったらオージェイズの歌にアンサー・ソングしたい(^0^)。今日び、一番恐ろしいのはソフト・ファシズムだって。それだけは確かかと思います。
*What on earth does this tune sing?The tune ..unbearably anxious anyhow.. was rashly translated, and there were and a variety of ..translation.. hindrances or I thought the way including (^0^) and ..interpretation.. series. It entitles, "This tune is what", do "Youth is what", and. Is it a dragon writer?First of all, the first is the "Betrayer's theme" by O'ays.
It is ..general case.. G loop of Firaradelfia Seoul. Is it on a roll of painful lyrics regardless of the sweet sound, and the ..this tune.. barrels if it is said Fire Seoul?I think that interpretation mackerel "Person who backstabs it" or "Person and active behind the scenes person who plots it by the shadow" is feeling in Dai with "Betrayer". When you sing these kind of things though this is difficult lyrics English, and becomes tooth omission
♪ (With a smile to you ..their doing..), the active behind the
scenes person (dark night)(With a smile to you) who is assuming that
it always encloses your sleep neck, and the active behind the scenes ..
".. person who is assuming that it always encloses your sleep neck
(dark night).
With the lover it is valued of it is who whom you value, it is necessary to take care.
They are unremarkable. However, when the sword that has it takes aim once long,
Teco doesn't remove the aim, steal up back, hit, and never remove the aim either.
(With a smile to you ..their doing... )、
Active behind the scenes person (dark night)(With a smile to you) who
is assuming that it always encloses your sleep neck and the active
behind the scenes person who is assuming that it always encloses your
sleep neck. (dark night)
I who tries to manage to defend friend from such a person. In the fear of their
doing. Ah.
They come to my house many times many times many times many times. Ah.
That person is talked to during his/her absence when relaxing his/her guard.
What is my being able to do on earth?
It just wishes them to pull out several sticking knives from my back.
(With a smile to you ..their doing... )、
It is an active behind the scenes person (dark night)(With a smile to
you) who is assuming that it always encloses your sleep neck, and you
made a dirty person if noticing it.
(With a smile to you ..their doing... )、
The smile and the smile are ..time.. unpleasant ..only the lie (dark
night)(With a smile to you)... Causeless.
It is it is and already scary. It gets on a light beat. Because a cheer condition of "What they do" is good. The child in Philadelphia sings while not understanding the meaning and is worth. It is revealed when it is small when there is adult. Is it because the history of fighting that it and this are too bitter hard is bitten by a bite and tightening too much and tightened?To say is to approach not the person who switches off and criticizes the front but with a smile by the person in a really scary person. Actually, even Japan : with the reform swindle or mail. 「Congratulations. You were elected. 」It is not a certain daily human affairs because it is present. It applies it to person's loneliness. When it is taken aim that it meets for instance more daily besides the crime, it touches some reverse-scales first, and this fellow of stopping dents. It is scary. It is thought ..person in question at whom it is taken aim.. first that it is a friend extremely hit soft. Because a lot of unpleasant things that only the person in question understands among those are done, and other people do not understand even if it is possible to finally endure and it shouts, only it is completely of beginning playing from the community that saying changes to the bad man. It is a pattern that often exists in supervisor Hitchcock's movie. In the movie「It becomes amusing poor. Let's go to the hospital. You. 」To the end. で「It doesn't worry. Because I raise everything. 」Niyari. Delusion and disturbed guy's nonsenses : no matter what it says. It wrote and came to frighten it. No modern Horror. Is nature a guy at not being? conscious of ..badness.. scarier the person in question who is doing itWhen do the conviction of as for ..goodness.., the scared one :. Do it peel off, is there Sho theory or, for instance, is the solicitation of Iraq's for instance religion so though no be known? United States that advances military forces andHeresy..
violate..poor..but..differ..depend..say..hear..provide..Ine.It doesn't try to hear other party's idea from Hana seriously because it keeps small foolish. The person is sleep food in small foolishness because he or she comes to heads most. It is small foolish more and more when getting excited. Teco is not separated from the conviction to succeeding in what one set out to do as beneficence either. It is embarrassed. How should I do if falling into the situation?Does crawling only have to ward off it is and here suitably?Because being not able to do it is a person if you can do it though it is the best. Especially, when the valued part is despised. Do it come to be done thoroughly like Maya Kitashima of the mask of the glass (It is time when it was done by the break and the plot in the serial drama of the morning)?. Or, is not nothing said and do it hold out when understanding some time even if it even becomes one person or it seems that a madman because of surroundings?This is Kitsi. Especially, more the defended one is, the more. Is even vaguely known not acting against easy even if convinced, .... approached, and ..bringing.. : by ..going.. person so because of coming. Well. It might be something a good knowing the method or you. (^0^) in the song of O'jays that is the answer song when understanding. Even the frightened one is a software fascism. I think that only it is certain.